
TIP-TOP is a brand that is one of the most popular on the baby food market in Russia. The brand was created by the Aqua-Pak company, which is the largest manufacturer of baby food on the Russian market.

TIP-TOP is made from high quality ingredients that undergo strict quality control. The products fully comply with all necessary standards and requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.

One of the main advantages of TIP-TOP is that it does not contain dyes, flavors or preservatives. This makes it an ideal choice for children suffering from allergies or other food intolerances.

Other features of TIP-TOP include its hypoallergenicity and the absence of sugar, which allows it to be used for feeding children with diabetes or other types of food intolerance. In addition, the drink does not cause caries and tastes good.

When choosing children's drinking water, many parents are faced with the problem of choosing between carbonated and non-carbonated. On the one hand, sparkling water may be more attractive to a child because it has bubbles that can be interesting to the child. On the other hand, still water is healthier for the baby due to the fact that it does not contain carbon dioxide, which can cause stomach problems in children.