
Tissue is a historically established community of cells and intercellular substance, which are united by a unity of origin, structure and function. There are four main types of tissue in the human body: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous.

Epithelial tissue

Epithelial tissue is the tissue that covers body surfaces and cavity lines. It performs a protective function and secretes secretions. The cells of this tissue are closely connected to each other and have different shapes, depending on their location. Epithelial tissue develops from endo-, ecto- and mesoderm.

Connective tissue

Connective tissue is tissue that connects and supports organs and tissues in the body. It consists of cells and intercellular substance, which can be liquid, gel-like or solid. Connective tissue cells can be of various types, such as fibroblasts, chondrocytes or osteocytes. Connective tissue develops from the mesoderm.


Muscle tissue is the tissue that allows the body to move. It is made up of long, specialized cells called muscle fibers. Muscle cells have the ability to contract and relax. Muscle tissue develops from the mesoderm (iris muscles and myoepitheliocytes originate from the ectoderm).

Nervous tissue

Nervous tissue is tissue that transmits information in the body. It consists of nerve cells and their processes, as well as neuroglial cells, which provide protection and nutrition to nerve cells. Nervous tissue develops from the ectoderm (microglia cells originate from the mesoderm).

Each organ in the human body is made up of different types of tissue. For example, the skin is made up of epithelial, connective and nervous tissues, and the heart is made up of muscle and connective tissues. It is important to note that tissue cells can be of the same type or belong to different types, which determines their function in the body.

In conclusion, tissue is an important element of the body that helps it function. Each type of tissue performs its own unique function, and their combined action provides vital processes in the human body.

Tissue is one of the main components of the human body. It is a collection of cells that have a common origin, structure and functions. There are several types of tissues in the human body, each of which performs specific functions and is localized in certain places in the body.

The main types of tissues in the human body are epithelial, connective

Tissue, also known as integumentary tissue, is a specific part of the inner surface of many animals and plants. The main features of the fabric are its shape and functional characteristics. The main function of tissue is to use the energy stored in the body to maintain life.