Tissue Bank

A tissue bank is a specialized medical institution that provides procurement, preservation and long-term storage of donor organs and human tissues. The main purpose of a tissue bank is to provide a supply of biomaterials for subsequent transplantation to recipients in need.

The tissue bank stores anatomical structures such as bones, cartilage, tendons, heart valves, corneas, skin and others. All fabrics undergo special processing and preservation, so they can be preserved for a long time under the necessary conditions.

The main objectives of the tissue bank are:

  1. ensuring the availability of a supply of donor materials for transplantology;
  2. careful selection and testing of donors;
  3. removal, processing and preservation of tissues;
  4. long-term cryopreservation under special conditions;
  5. microbiological and immunological control;
  6. logistics and distribution of finished transplants.

Thus, tissue banks play an important role in the development of transplantation, allowing complex organ and tissue transplantation operations to be performed, saving the lives of many patients.

A tissue bank is a medical institution that procures, stores and transports preserved human organs or tissues for the purpose of their subsequent transplantation to other people. This technology can save the lives of patients suffering from rare diseases or severe injuries, and provides access to organs and tissues for those in urgent need. To aid the transplantation process, storage technologies also include medications, enzymes and cryoprotectants.

The tissue bank was created in response to the many medical problems that arise when there is a shortage of donor organs for transplantation. For example: - Many countries face long waiting times for a donor organ; - Every year the need for expensive, rare treatments that are necessary to save the lives of patients increases. A tissue bank makes it possible to purchase donor organs in the required quantity at affordable prices; - Transplantation requires special handling and customization of the patient's immune system to prevent organ rejection. All necessary conditions for preparation can be provided in a tissue bank. In 2002, in the USA, and then throughout the world, a specialized company was created - Bank of New York, focused on the uninterrupted supply of banks in need of procuring transplants. The goal of this company is to provide clients with high-quality solutions in the field of organizing and strengthening the material and technical equipment of clinic units involved in the procurement of tissues and organs for donation purposes. Having guaranteed goods at low prices, the Bank ensures high-quality performance of the activities of the entire network. The company accepts orders for the supply of entire organs or parts thereof at the request of clients and finances research activities to improve the relevant technologies. The company also works closely with leading universities around the world involved in the study of organ donation, coordinating training programs and scientific conferences with professionals in this field in order to take timely steps to improve and simplify the donation procedure and supply institutions. The measures taken allowed us to come to the conclusion in 2015 that the need for additional organs for patients in critical condition in “intensive care” with no hope of recovery or undergoing lifelong treatment is over one hundred thousand units. The conclusions are not encouraging, so every year the number of people waiting for their organs to be saved and going to the Tissue Bank is only growing. Despite the development of medicine and the increase in the number of clinics to preserve and support the lives of patients, today the number of such patients often does not decrease or increases exponentially. The main reason remains the same from year to year – an acute shortage of donor base. This means that the development of transplantation invariably slows down, while the patient needs a rapid supply of donor material. The solution to the problem lies on the one hand in the segment of increasing the number of donor tissue samples, but on the other hand in the development and maintenance of transfer donation technologies that contribute to any individual was part of the donor population. Both of these factors help ensure the closest interaction of all structures involved in the field of donation - health authorities, science, scientific and social communities, workers and volunteers. Of course, the Tissue Bank plays a key role in this process, because they provide the necessary supply of donor material for transplant clinics and operations, surgeries,