Titration Allergometric

Allergometric titration is a method for determining the degree of sensitization to a specific allergen, which is based on measuring the reaction to the introduction of various dilutions of the allergen substance. This method is used to diagnose allergic diseases and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Allergometry is carried out by introducing various concentrations of the allergen into the human body. For example, when testing for allergies to pollen, the allergen is administered in the form of solutions containing different concentrations of pollen. The body's response to the introduction of the allergen is then measured, which can manifest itself in the form of skin redness, swelling, itching, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms.

The results of allergometric titration make it possible to determine the degree of sensitivity of the body to the allergen and identify the presence of allergic reactions. The method is also used to determine the effectiveness of treatment of allergic diseases.

Allergometric titration is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases, and also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.