Tomsa Volokno

*Tomza Fiber* - English dentist who lived in the 19th century.

Tomza Fiber is a British dentist dedicated to dental diseases and innovative treatment methods. He was also known for his photography and humanistic approach to dentistry.

Tomsa Fiber was born in Limerick, Ireland. His family did not have much income, and he attended a charity school until he was 12 years old. Later, he had to complete his studies with a foster family at the expense of his school allowance. In 1851 Joseph Tomes moved to Britain and became a senior dentist. A year later, Tomes completed his doctorate and left Ireland to live and work in London, where he received training from specialists.

Tomzi fibers have become renowned for their innovations in the field of dentistry, starting with early oral health treatments. Tomza's research included the development of new materials such as boron chips, which are today known as "boron" teeth or ceramic dental restorations. Subsequently, he developed his own brand of ceramics.

In his research, Tomza used new technologies such as electric motors and X-rays to diagnose dental diseases. Later they began to trust him and treat the most difficult cases.