Ton That Tunga Method

Ton That Thung is a Vietnamese surgeon who developed a method for treating skin cancer. He was born in 1912 in Hanoi. In 1934, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Hanoi and began his career as a surgeon.

Thon That Tung was known for his innovative treatments for skin cancer, which he developed based on his knowledge and experience. He used a variety of methods including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy to help his patients.

One of the most famous methods developed by Ton That Tung was the Ton That method. This method involved the use of special lamps to treat skin cancer in the early stages. The lamps emitted ultraviolet rays that killed cancer cells.

The Ton That method has become very popular in Vietnam and beyond. Many doctors have used this method to treat skin cancer. However, over time it became clear that the Ton That method is not effective for all types of skin cancer.

Today, Thon That's method is rarely used, but his name remains a symbol of Vietnamese medicine. Ton That Tung continues to work at his clinic in Hanoi, where he helps people fight skin cancer.

Ton Tuan Thung is a Vietnamese doctor, a specialist in respiratory surgery, who taught at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Vietnam. He created a method of plastic surgery of the larynx, in which the trachea expands from the inside, as a result of which hoarseness disappears or is significantly reduced during sharp inhalation and exhalation, and blood oxygenation improves. This method is now the most popular in the clinic. As the teacher and head of the Institute of Surgery, Professor Nguyen Thanh Trinh, recalled, the technique caused a sensation in Vietnam, as it made it possible to create a functional valve for the vocal cords, due to which the characteristic hoarseness, hyperemia of the face and neck disappeared, and the voice stopped being interrupted,