Foundation highlights wrinkles

1. Hydration is the key to success

Girls with dry and combination skin, take note that before starting any makeup, the first thing you should do is moisturize your skin. Otherwise, even the smallest wrinkles will smile sarcastically through any makeup. Ideally, choose a moisturizing foundation. Don't forget: the tone should match your skin tone. A color that is too dark will make you look older, and a color that is too light will make you look like one of the characters from the Twilight Saga.

2. Masking with tone

When choosing foundation, avoid oil-based products and choose something with a silky texture.
When applying, start from the cheekbones, then move to the nose, then the chin and forehead. This should be done with gentle movements of the fingertips. You should not apply the tone to the nasolabial folds, just tint the areas around the wrinkles. This will help make your skin smoother.

To remove excess cream, use a sponge to go over the skin, especially in places where wrinkles appear.

3. Should you use concealer?

Absolutely yes. This will help visually even out the skin texture and hide shallow wrinkles. Makeup artists say one of the advantages of concealer is its ability to absorb quickly and last a long time.

4. Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And our souls are always young! To ensure your eyes always sparkle with youth, avoid loose powder, because... it only emphasizes wrinkles. Under-eye circles are well disguised with a light concealer. But if you want to emphasize the beauty of your eyes, outline only the upper eyelid and do not paint over the lower eyelashes, so as not to draw attention to minor age-related imperfections.

Now let's move on to the shadows. To ensure that they last a long time and do not smear, first apply foundation to your eyelids. In shades, give preference to pastel tones, 1-2 shades darker than your skin color. And that is not all! Use a white or beige pencil to draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Did you do everything right? Then your look will surely shine and conquer all the men of this planet.

5. A smile is our calling card

Yes, yes, everyone knows about it, and we never cease to delight others with a sweet, charming, seductive smile. But what to do with the wrinkles that have formed in the corners of the lips? Don't worry, they can be easily hidden with a light concealer. Gloss will also help make your lips look younger. The shades don’t matter you can choose the color of your dress, your partner’s tie, or your mood. Just remember to highlight the middle part of your lips with a lighter shade, which will give extra volume to your lips.

6. The role of blush

For anti-aging makeup, blush with a creamy texture that masks rather than emphasizes wrinkles is more suitable. Blush looks very impressive in a combination of two shades: pink - on the “apples”
cheeks and bronze ones - below the cheekbones. This technique will refresh your face, lift your cheekbones, and therefore make your face look younger.

7. Ten hard “no’s” for anti-aging makeup

•Say no to greasy foundation.
•Do not choose a foundation that is too light.
•Do not overuse concealer: apply it only to problem areas with a special brush.
• “Don’t over-powder”: in order not to dry out the skin on the cheeks and under the eyes, and therefore not emphasize wrinkles, apply powder only to the T-zone.
•Do not wear dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid. Otherwise, it will make your eyes look smaller and highlight the circles and wrinkles under your eyes.
•Forget about pearlescent shadows that emphasize facial wrinkles.
•A firm “no” to mascara on the lower eyelashes.
•Avoid greasy and liquid lipsticks, which spread and accumulate in wrinkles, making your face look several years older.
•Do not use dark shades of lipstick: it makes you look old.
•Throw away orange and brown blushes, which look unnatural and draw undue attention to wrinkles.

Follow these simple rules, dear girls! Always remain young, attractive and cheerful! Love yourself, with or without wrinkles!!


The skin is not very problematic, but sometimes you want an even, ideal tone. For this I use foundations from Clinics and MAC, but the problem is that as a result wrinkles (nasolabial and forehead) become more pronounced. On the one hand, it turns out that my face becomes more beautiful, but on the other, I look clearly older.
How to avoid emphasizing wrinkles? I tried to apply more moisturizer, but did not notice any results. Maybe someone knows an express method)))? experts

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Prokopenko Elena Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

It is impossible to deceive time. Perhaps for a very short period, but then it will certainly take revenge for this with accelerated aging.

Apply a thinner layer of foundation and do not push it into wrinkles, so they will be visible less.

You know how I do it, I don’t just apply foundation, but pre-mix it with my regular day cream, about 50/50. Then everything looks much softer. It is clear that very strong problems on the face cannot be covered up like this, but for skin in a more or less normal state it is just the thing.

I use BB cream and have stopped wearing foundation altogether. I like the effect better

first I apply a rich cream to the skin, then a foundation, nothing gets clogged. But if you apply the tone cream to the skin, smeared with gel or a light, quickly absorbed cream, it emphasizes wrinkles

BB cream is the way to go if your skin is fair. Drink plenty of water - hydration should come from the inside. Instead of foundation - powder.

BB cream is good
I take the idealist from E. Lauder
excellent, very good to be born on the face

I have the same. I apply a super moisturizing cream, then a moisturizing foundation, but wrinkles are still visible! I think this is a feature of the skin. Mine is very thin, light and delicate. If I go to the solarium, wrinkles immediately appear.

I bought a wrinkle filler, first I smear it on, and then foundation on top. Wrinkles become almost invisible.

Maybe if you have such problems, try something else besides creams? If there are wrinkles, then nothing can cover them up. They will only become deeper over time. I would recommend the Ulthera System ultrasound procedure in Raillife. They have treatments there for young skin.

I bought a wrinkle filler, first I smear it on, and then foundation on top. Wrinkles become almost invisible.

Girls, recommend a base, please

first I apply a rich cream to the skin, then a foundation, nothing gets clogged. But if you apply the tone cream to the skin, smeared with gel or a light, quickly absorbed cream, it emphasizes wrinkles

I bought a wrinkle filler, first I smear it on, and then foundation on top. Wrinkles become almost invisible.

What is a wrinkle filler? Probably the same thing as a fatty cream.

You need to use a foundation that is not putty, but translucent. For example, bourgeois 10 hours of sleep or mask face and body.
And with putty, I also get wrinkles, although without putty on clean skin they are not visible at all

You need to use a foundation that is not putty, but translucent. For example, bourgeois 10 hours of sleep or mask face and body.
And with putty, I also get wrinkles, although without putty on clean skin they are not visible at all

Diluting it with moisturizer is not an option. It turns out too liquid. The foundation I have is not really a foundation, but all sorts of very liquid foundations.

BB cream wrinkle filler with toning effect - filler

It's strange, I have dry skin, but this doesn't happen.

the clinic is such guano. I bought it and it sits idle, I age 50 years with it, all my skin wrinkles and shrinks, it looks like an exhumed corpse.. I use either Elizabeth Arden or Shu Uemura. leather - peach. when I want to look especially good, I apply BB with a reflector to the areas that need to be highlighted: cheekbones, eyebrows, temples, chin.

I've tried a bunch of foundations, including luxury ones. From the luxury range I liked Estee Lauder the most - Ideal Matte, from the mass market I am VERY pleased with Max Factor Smooth effect - for 350-400 rubles. Almost perfect (for me). I have oily skin, but no imperfections. This cream covers easily, but does not clot, there is no mask effect.

I saw it at Lumine with a lifting effect. Its composition seems to be quite good. Look)

Virgo, tretinoin cream. Google it. The texture of the skin changes. After a month, the skin will be unrecognizable. Especially suitable for those with oily, problematic skin with pores. I abandoned the foundation. The effect began after about 2 weeks (at 0.1 percent), if the percentage is less it will probably take longer. Try it. I really hope that you will have the same awesome result as I did. Skin is different, but I see the result on many of my friends, I believe in it sacredly. I write in every thread, even if cosmetologists hate me :))

Virgo, tretinoin cream. Google it. The texture of the skin changes. After a month, the skin will be unrecognizable. Especially suitable for those with oily, problematic skin with pores. I abandoned the foundation. The effect began after about 2 weeks (at 0.1 percent), if the percentage is less it will probably take longer. Try it. I really hope that you will have the same awesome result as I did. Skin is different, but I see the result on many of my friends, I believe in it sacredly. I write in every thread, even if cosmetologists hate me :))

Virgo, tretinoin cream. Google it. The texture of the skin changes. After a month, the skin will be unrecognizable. Especially suitable for those with oily, problematic skin with pores. I abandoned the foundation. The effect began after about 2 weeks (at 0.1 percent), if the percentage is less it will probably take longer. Try it. I really hope that you will have the same awesome result as I did. Skin is different, but I see the result on many of my friends, I believe in it sacredly. I write in every thread, even if cosmetologists hate me :))

There are foundation creams with a lift effect or simply moisturizing ones, creams with radiance, I’ve tried them and they really work. One thing is that they are not at all durable and float on oily or combination skin. Also with powders they are dry, mattifying, and make wrinkles even when there are none. And moisturizers with a satin coating in the name “detox”, “bio”, organic or mineral do not give such an effect

BB cream is the way to go if your skin is fair. Drink plenty of water - hydration should come from the inside. Instead of foundation - powder.

Girls, recommend a base, please

The skin is not very problematic, but sometimes you want an even, ideal tone. For this I use foundations from Clinics and MAC, but the problem is that as a result wrinkles (nasolabial and forehead) become more pronounced. On the one hand, it turns out that my face becomes more beautiful, but on the other, I look clearly older.
How to avoid emphasizing wrinkles? I tried to apply more moisturizer, but did not notice any results. Maybe someone knows an express method)))?


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How to choose and use facial corrector correctly?

Do you envy models' perfectly smooth and clear skin? But they are just ordinary girls like you, it’s just that when creating makeup, experts use a face corrector that allows you to hide more than 80% of all skin imperfections. However, simply buying a concealer “pointing your finger at the sky” is not enough. It must be chosen correctly, and most importantly, used correctly.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

So, what corrective products exist and how to apply them correctly? Let's figure it out.

What correctors are there?

A facial corrector can and should be used if you have problem skin and want to hide these imperfections. The corrective product can disguise pimples, blackheads, irritations and age spots, as well as hide dark circles under the eyes and make the oval of the face clearer.

Concealers come in the following types:

  1. colored, allowing you to hide skin imperfections
  2. flesh-colored, evening out tone.

According to their consistency, they are also divided into:

  1. liquid
  2. hard
  3. oily.

Flesh-colored correctors are most often applied after using colored ones, in order to even out the tone of the face and not give away your little secret, or simply as a base for makeup, but cosmetic imperfections are not hidden.

Colored concealers

Colored concealers come in the following colors:

  1. blue
  2. green
  3. orange
  4. purple
  5. silver
  6. yellow
  7. white.

Each color is aimed at masking one or another skin imperfection. For example, a green face concealer perfectly masks pimples and blackheads. And in order to hide a pale complexion, you need to use yellow and orange concealer.

If you like to sunbathe in a solarium or use self-tanners, then you simply need to have a blue concealer in your cosmetic bag. It will come in handy when the tanning effect is, to put it mildly, unexpected, which very often happens when using self-tanning wipes and creams. It will hide all blemishes and even out your complexion.

If you want to get the “expensive porcelain” effect, then you need to use a silver-colored concealer. And to apply evening makeup, experts recommend applying purple concealer to your face.

If you have “stars” or vein networks on your face that spoil your entire appearance, you need to apply a green facial corrector. It is applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin, and then a layer of tone-evening corrective agent is applied.

Liquid concealers

Liquid facial correctors are similar in consistency to foundation fluid creams. As a rule, they are sold in tubes or glass jars. They are applied to the skin using special brushes or sticks, which come complete with a corrective liquid product.

They also come in the form of automatic pencils, which allow you to easily apply concealer to problem areas.

All liquid correctors have a water-based, non-greasy base, so you need to apply them quickly, otherwise you risk masking spots that are already on the skin, but at the same time “earning” others.

To apply liquid concealer quickly and efficiently, you need to use a special brush or have the skill of applying it with your hands.

Solid concealers

All camouflage pencils belong to this type. Their solid base does not spread when applied, which means they are quite easy to apply. Their main advantage is that they do not get stuck in folds and wrinkles, so even the person who first decided to disguise imperfections using this product can use them.

Moreover, most solid concealers contain various additives in the form of vitamins, which undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Oil concealers

These products resemble theatrical makeup in their consistency, which has a dense texture. With the help of oil corrective products, you can easily disguise dark circles under the eyes, age spots and other pronounced imperfections on the skin. They are also easy to use, since they do not have a very greasy base.

The choice of corrective product should not be based on the shade, but on the flaws that you want to hide from prying eyes. If this problem is acne, then you need to purchase a special concealer, which, in addition to the masking effect, also has healing properties.

How to use?

Most women do not know how to use face concealer, so they try not to use it in everyday life, which is certainly their mistake. It is very easy to hide skin imperfections with a corrector. To do this you need:

  1. cleanse your face of impurities
  2. Apply moisturizer to your face and allow it to be completely absorbed
  3. Apply the corrector precisely to the skin
  4. apply foundation.

The foundation should not be applied too thinly and smeared heavily on the face, otherwise you will wipe the concealer off your face and mix it with the foundation, as a result of which the concealer will have no effect.

And to avoid spotting, solid correctors should be mixed with foundation. This way they fit better and don’t stand out from the general background.

Now you know all the secrets of the models who look at us from TV screens. Now you can make your skin perfect, perfectly smooth and without any imperfections - you will want to touch it again and again!

By secret

  1. You missed the meeting of your classmates because you are afraid to hear that you have grown old...
  2. And you catch the admiring glances of men less and less...
  3. Advertised skin care products do not freshen the face as much as they used to...
  4. And the reflection in the mirror increasingly reminds us of age...
  5. Do you think you look older than your age...
  6. Or you just want to “preserve” your youth for many years...
  7. You desperately don't want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity to do so...

Just yesterday no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today it has appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and restore youth