Toners and Moisturizers

Toners and Moisturizers: Strawberry Lotion

Beautiful, healthy skin has always been one of the main indicators of beauty and youth. To keep your skin in good condition, you need to take proper care of it. Among the many skincare products, you can highlight tonics and moisturizers that help maintain skin firmness and elasticity. In this article, we will look at one such product - strawberry lotion.


  1. 7 grams of fresh strawberries;
  2. 1 glass of vodka.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour freshly picked strawberries with vodka and leave to brew for 4 weeks.
  2. After this, strain and stand for another 2 weeks.
  3. You can use the accelerated method and squeeze the juice out of the berries, then mix half a glass of juice with one glass of vodka.
  4. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, strawberry lotion is diluted with water.

Strawberry lotion has a tonic and antibacterial effect. It helps improve blood circulation in the skin, reduce inflammation and irritation. In addition, strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps maintain skin elasticity and youth.

Application frequency:
Strawberry lotion can be used daily.

Shelf life:
Strawberry lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month.

Cooking time:
Strawberry lotion takes only 10 minutes to prepare, but requires an additional 6 weeks to mature.

Application time:
Strawberry lotion is applied to the skin of the face and neck for 5 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

In conclusion, using strawberry lotion is a great way to improve your skin and give it a healthy and glowing appearance. It is a natural and safer alternative for those who want to avoid chemical additives in cosmetics. However, before using strawberry lotion, you should consult a dermatologist to ensure that it is safe for your skin.