Toner for mature skin

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Ingredients: tangerine oil, sandalwood oil, cedar oil, aloe gel, lavender extract, guarana extract, sorbic acid, panthenol, potassium sorbate, lactic acid, citrate, allantoin, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, glycerin, water

Contains silk proteins, which, when used in cosmetic products, give the skin velvety and smoothness, reduce the depth of wrinkles and smooth out fine wrinkles, and have a lifting effect. Guarana extract is effective in caring for mature skin, improves skin turgor, has an anti-edematous effect. Lactic acid successfully fights skin hyperpigmentation. HOW TO USE: Shake the bottle before use. Apply to the skin after washing (using a cotton pad or directly on the face with your fingertips using light patting movements). Store at room temperature, avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details


On the one hand, toning is the final stage of cleansing. Without it, it simply cannot be considered complete. On the other hand, toning is so important for the skin that it is rightfully considered a separate independent stage of daily facial care. Figuratively speaking, toning is a period at the end of a sentence.

As you might guess, toning is carried out using tonics or tonic lotions.

Tonics are divided into alcoholic and non-alcoholic. It is the latter that are recommended for the care of mature skin.

The composition of tonics is varied. Among the most popular components are glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids, disinfectant fruit extracts and astringents, such as tinctures of sage, calendula, decoctions of linden, willow bark, St. John's wort, string, currant, cucumber, lemon, as well as essential oils, in particular essential Bergamot oil, which perfectly tones, moisturizes and restores the skin.

To tone aging skin, it is advisable to use products with antioxidants and vitamins that nourish the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles. Tonics with glycerin, hyaluronic acid and allantoin prevent dry skin and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing the occurrence of rosacea.

Toning is carried out immediately after cleansing. Simply soak a cotton swab in the toner and wipe your face thoroughly. This procedure takes no more than 1 minute, but its importance is difficult to overestimate.

Tonic restores normal skin pH, which is disturbed by cleansing products. It provides deep cleansing of pores, moisturizes the skin, disinfects it, preventing the occurrence of inflammation.

The tonic refreshes the skin, helps normalize lymph and blood circulation, reduces swelling, makes the skin firmer and more elastic, and also accelerates cell regeneration.

Thus, the tonic helps fight most age-related skin changes.

But the beneficial effects of tonics are not limited to this. They remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics that the cleansing product did not cope with, as well as excess of the cleansing product itself. For example, after lotions, milk and oil, a greasy film forms on the face. If you do not wipe your skin with toner, you will be left with an unpleasant feeling of “unwashedness.”

Mature skin requires much more attention and care than young skin, so care products for mature skin need to be selected especially carefully. If women choose creams and masks quite carefully, then it is often customary to sacrifice tonics, which is radically wrong, because it is tonic that saturates the skin with moisture and vitamins. Today the editors of Fancy Journal are talking about natural tonics for mature skin.

Cosmetic product for intensive care of mature skin from Dr. Hauschka

Specialists of the Dr. Hauschka have developed a whole line of products for mature and demanding skin. One of the most striking products in the line is a cosmetic product in the form of a spray, which helps retain moisture in skin cells, smoothing and renewing it. The basis for the tonic was a whole healing cocktail, combining the precious stone blue tourmaline and amber, snow-white lily and marshmallow, ginkgo and olive leaves, royal jelly of bees and natural salty thermal mineral water from the resort of Bad Bentheim, sandalwood oil and other useful components .


Facial toner “Active” from Biokosma

Biokosma tonic contains exclusively active ingredients from Swiss plants. The product improves the appearance of the skin and helps preserve its upper protective acid mantle. A natural complex of active substances optimally prepares the skin for further care.


Age Protect face toner from I+M Naturkosmetik

A very pleasant remedy from I+M Naturkosmetik is based on the action of two active ingredients - avocado and tiger grass, supplemented with aloe juice, rose hip extract and other medicinal ingredients. The toner revitalizes your skin in no time, leaving it looking radiant, soft and healthy.


Lotion-tonic for face “Mac” from Mi&Ko

The product from Mi&Ko is designed to gently and delicately cleanse the skin, and then moisturize and restore it. Tonic helps stabilize skin immunity, reduce susceptibility to stress, and support the production of collagen and elastin.


Hydrolate "Rose" from Levrana

In fact, Levrana tonic is a 100% natural hydrosol of Damask Rose flowers. Perfectly restores facial skin and eyelid contour, effectively eliminates skin hypersensitivity, helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes and swelling.