Tonic before or after masks

After a particular cosmetic procedure, additional care is required. This is why many girls think about what to apply to their face after a mask to make their skin look more well-groomed. There are a lot of different means, but you need to know which one to use in a particular case.

Which toner to choose after a face mask?

After the mask, especially for oily skin, it is necessary to apply a tonic to the face that will soothe the epidermis. What to prefer: cream or lotion? The answer is clear - both means. After the mask, a cucumber tonic based on chamomile is suitable; for oily skin, it is good to use lotions with salicylic acid. If for some reason the epidermis is damaged, or a burn occurs after the procedure, then an alcohol-based tonic should be excluded.

So, which one to choose: homemade or purchased? Of course, the easiest way is to buy ready-made liquid in the store, but freshly prepared liquid will be the healthiest.

To make tonic at home, there are 2 ways:

  1. It is necessary to prepare alcohol and the ingredient that will be used. For example, chamomile, sage or another component. For 0.5 liters of alcohol, 1 teaspoon of additional ingredient. You need to insist for at least a week. Then wipe your face with the prepared mixture.
  2. You will need a decoction of herbs that is suitable for a specific skin type. To prepare it, you don't need any special skills. You can simply brew the filter bag in boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After the liquid has cooled, squeeze out the filter bag and you can wipe your face with the resulting liquid. However, this tonic should be stored for no more than 36 hours in the refrigerator.



What cream to use after a face mask

Cream after a face mask is a necessary procedure for moisturizing the skin. You should also remember that it is not recommended to leave the composition for a long time. It is enough to leave the mask on for about 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. However, the skin must be nourished, especially after the sauna. In such conditions, the mask penetrates deeper, but the lost moisture must be replenished with the help of additional means.

So, which cream to choose:

  1. For oily skin, any composition with a mattifying effect based on zinc is suitable.
  2. For dry skin, it is better to prefer creams with a denser texture that can nourish it more intensely.
  3. For sensitive skin or after a biorevitalization procedure, it is good to use hypoallergenic formulations without fragrances and other irritating components. These can be eco-creams or homemade ones.

Whatever composition you prefer, it’s better to start with a sensitivity test. To do this, apply the cream in a small amount to a limited area and monitor the reaction.

Which lotion to choose after the mask?

What lotion to choose after using a mask interests many ladies, but you need to keep in mind that this composition is not suitable for everyone. It is recommended to use such products only for people with oily and combination skin; for those with a dry type of epidermis, this method is unacceptable. After using a mask at home, you can immediately wipe your skin with a lotion based on cucumber extract or chamomile. Natural ingredients are always preferred over analogues based on zinc and salicylic acid. Although if the skin is too oily, then this will be a real salvation. For women with dry and sensitive skin, it is preferable to use hypoallergenic toners that in no way affect the natural PH balance.


If the mask consisted of fairly aggressive components, then it is better to wait with the lotion, since alcohol can lead to irritation.

What to do if you get burned after wearing a mask

If there is a burn after a mask that contained aggressive components, then you need to take a set of measures to soothe the skin. A dermatologist will best answer what to do in this case, but if it is not possible to visit a specialist, then you can provide first aid to the damaged epidermis at home.

First you need to do the following:

  1. Cool the epidermis with purified cold water.
  2. Apply a soothing tonic based on herbal extracts that have an anti-inflammatory effect, such as chamomile.
  3. Apply generously with soothing cream. You can use a regular children's one.


Burns can also occur after a steam bath. They may not appear immediately, but after half an hour. Especially if the skin is very sensitive. The cream should be applied immediately after the procedure. There is also a special anti-inflammatory balm. It is needed for those who often get a rash after cleansing, depilation or scrub.

If your face turns red after wearing masks, this may be a result of a burn. This phenomenon is typical during winter, when immediately after the procedure the epidermis is exposed to frost. Skin care in this case comes down to using a moisturizer. They need to smear their face daily before going out.

If a burn occurs as a result of using a mask, then there is an opinion that you should not wash your face. However, this is a myth. This should be done using herbal decoctions. If your face itches, then the compositions need to be selected more carefully, and it is better to purchase them in pharmacies.

How apply mask For faces (video)

In order for your skin to enjoy its attractive appearance for a long time, it is recommended to use only those masks that are suitable for a specific type. You can see preliminary photos of the results of using a particular composition. The scalp can be protected with a cap during the procedure.

Not only the composition of cosmetic products and their suitability to your skin type are important. The order of application also plays an important role!

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Each cosmetic product has its own ingredients, and their interaction can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences if you apply them in the wrong order. Check yourself!

1. Makeup remover

Always: first remove makeup, then wash your face, and never vice versa!

2. Foam or gel for washing

When you are sure that you have completely removed your makeup, wash your face with a special cleanser to finally get rid of all impurities and - attention - the remnants of makeup remover.

3. Tonic

Better - with an exfoliating effect to further cleanse the skin surface of dead cells. But in any case, it is the toner that will restore the pH balance of the skin and prepare it for applying the cream.

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4. Special means

Right now, at this stage, is the time to apply a spot treatment for acne, anti-aging concentrate and any other products with a special effect.

5. Moisturizer

When the serum or concentrate has been absorbed (or if this stage was not relevant for you at all), apply the moisturizer with patting movements, from the center to the periphery, from bottom to top.

6. Sunscreen with a chemical filter

Even in winter, even at night, even if you plan to sit indoors all day. Solar radiation is invisible and can be reflected from surfaces, so never neglect a cream with an SPF factor. Even if your decorative cosmetics contain it. The only exception is if you have allergies, then take a closer look at point 9.

7. Eye cream

Surprised? However, eye cream is not applied at the same time as face cream. Because not everyone needs it. If at this point the skin around the eyes is tight and feels discomfort, apply. If not, most likely your skin has enough moisture as it is.

8. Facial oil

Not everyone uses it, but if you are one of the chosen ones, apply oil as the last step in moisturizing your skin to form a barrier that will protect it from moisture loss.

9. Mineral sunscreen

For allergy sufferers, mineral Sanskrin is better suited, which, unlike chemical ones, is applied after all moisturizing products. Otherwise the rules are the same: always, everywhere.

10. Foundation

Finally, let's move on to makeup: if you use foundation, now is its time!

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Important: first we apply products with a light texture, then with a denser one.

4. If you have made a mask, then it is best to wipe your face again with a cotton pad with tonic or lotion.

5. Essence. She came to us from Korean multi-stage care. It has an oil-free texture and the concentration of active ingredients exceeds even a cream. Some essences replace tonics (read on the packaging), so you can safely skip step 2. Unlike serum, the essence does not need to be covered with cream - it works independently. Korean women apply it with their fingertips and sometimes even in seven layers - instead of a moisturizing mask.

6. Facial mist. “Facial sprays are a kind of modern replacement for toner. I sprayed my face, blotted it with a napkin and moved on,” says Solen Marie, product development manager at VitalScience Corp, which deals with the Dermaglow brand. Again, read the instructions carefully and skip steps 2 and 4 if the mist can be used instead of tonic.

7. Booster. This is another Korean innovation - something between a serum and a cream. We can say that the booster is a more powerful serum. Some of them need to be added to creams, and some must be applied independently, depending on the ingredients in the composition.
8. Serum. In addition to the usual serum with a pump or pipette, there are also compressed serums - here look at the format that suits you best. They actively moisturize and nourish the skin, helping the cream penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

"The active ingredients in some products may conflict, so consult a specialist before layering products," says Neil Schultz, a New York City-based dermatologist.

9. Cream. In general, everything is clear with him. Apply the required amount of product onto your face with a special spoon - this way bacteria will not get into the product itself and it will last longer.

10. Sanskrin - the final stage of ideal care, mandatory from April to October. Read here what you need to know about sunscreens and how much you should apply.

1. Micellar water. It removes makeup perfectly, but, as a rule, it itself needs to be washed off with water.

2. Cleanser. Choose any product that is pleasant to use. For example, we like hydrophilic oil. It suits everyone (almost), and there is no feeling of tightness after it. And if you often travel or go on business trips, then it’s very convenient to take a MakeUp Eraser napkin with you, which magically removes even waterproof makeup.

3. Tonic or lotion.

4. Mask for the face. In the evening, I especially want to lie down on the sofa with a fabric mask on my face and forget about everything.

5. Tonic or lotion.

6. Serum And cream or night mask. The latter is convenient because you apply it (an hour and a half before bedtime) and go to bed. You only need to wash it off in the morning.

Products with retinol can be used both during the day (but don’t forget about Sanskrin) and in the evening. If it's a light texture—like a retinol fluid—apply it before your serum and moisturizer. And if it is a cream with retinol, then it will replace your regular cream.