Impression tonometer

An impression tonometer is a device for measuring blood pressure, which is based on the principle of impression. This method of measuring blood pressure involves filling a cuff on the patient's arm with air until the pressure in it equals the pressure in the arteries. The air is then gradually released from the cuff and the pressure in the artery is reduced to normal levels. In this case, a change in the volume of the artery occurs, which is recorded by a tonometer.

An impression tonometer is one of the most accurate methods of measuring blood pressure. It provides more accurate results than other measurement methods such as the auscultatory method or the oscillometric method. In addition, an impression tonometer is safer, since it does not require the use of a mercury manometer, which can be hazardous to health.

However, the impression tonometer also has disadvantages. First, it can be more expensive than other types of blood pressure monitors. Secondly, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to correctly determine the measurement location on the hand. Third, the impression tonometer is not suitable for people with latex allergies or other medical contraindications.

Overall, an impression tonometer is a useful tool for measuring blood pressure and getting more accurate results. However, before using it, you must consult your doctor and make sure there are no medical contraindications.

Impression tonometer (lat.) is one of the types of blood pressure meter.

The impression tonometer is used to determine intraocular pressure using the Forbes method, the strength and stability of the endotracheal tube, as well as in various surgical procedures to measure the force of tissue pressure on an implant, for example, a pin after osteosynthesis. This is a popular device in traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery.

The device consists of a cuff placed around the shoulder and a pump that applies pressure to the cuff. The cuff is connected to an electronic unit - it calculates the exact value, measured in millimeters of mercury. The results are displayed on the tonometer display. The cuffs of the device are reusable and disposable. Typically, reusable cuffs are found in mid-priced devices.