Touraine Midfacial Lentigo

What is Touraine? This is a rare genetic defect: a feature of appearance in the form of a cluster of moles of a regular round shape, color from yellow to brown, although white formations are also found. Refers to a congenital pathology, even the external manifestation of which looks like a disease, not a pathology. Every day such a person is subjected to ridicule and criticism, often from children or adolescents. Parents who love their children often react emotionally to their child’s unusual appearance. But a person who finds himself the object of everyone’s attention also experiences his own set of problems: from lack of friends to failed personal relationships, serious problems and isolation from society. People familiar with Touraine's symptoms may experience a feeling of anxiety and worry, which is exacerbated by the lack of information about this disease. Touraine can be the result of a rare hereditary defect or occur as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on genetically vulnerable skin.

__Description__: Touraine is a rare congenital skin defect that is manifested by the appearance of brown and yellowish spots. The formation looks like a clearly visible mole. They are usually round or oval in shape, but are not always symmetrical. So-called moles are located in different areas of the face, less often appearing in the neck or sternum. Moles are located on the skin between births or form immediately after appearance