Toxico-Therapeutic Group

Toxico-Therapeutic Group: Specialized assistance for poisoning

In the modern world, where industry and technology play an increasingly important role, the risk of poisoning from various substances is becoming increasingly relevant. In the event of mass poisoning or contact with hazardous chemicals, prompt and specialized medical care is required. It is for these purposes that the Toxic-Therapeutic Group (TTG) was created - a division of the specialized medical care unit, designed to provide specialized or qualified therapeutic care to those affected by toxic substances.

TSH plays an important role in ensuring public safety and health in poisoning situations. The team consists of medical personnel specially trained in toxicology and poisoning treatment. Each member of the TTG has not only general therapist skills, but also specialized knowledge to effectively diagnose and treat those affected by toxic substances.

The main tasks of the Toxico-Therapeutic Group are:

  1. Providing organized and specialized therapeutic assistance to victims of poisoning.
  2. Identifying the type of toxic substance and determining the optimal treatment method.
  3. Monitoring the condition of victims and adjusting therapy in accordance with their changing healthy state.
  4. Assistance in the development and implementation of preventive measures to prevent poisonings and minimize their consequences.

TSH may be activated in emergency situations such as industrial accidents, terrorist attacks involving chemical agents, or natural disasters resulting in mass poisonings. The team may be deployed at the scene of an incident or be a specialized unit within a hospital that has the necessary equipment and resources to provide poisoning treatment.

One of the key aspects of the work of the TTG is cooperation with other services and organizations, such as fire, rescue services, law enforcement agencies and expert analytical units. Interaction between various specialists allows for effective management and coordination of actions in the treatment of poisonings.

In conclusion, the Toxico-Therapeutic Unit is an integral part of the poisoning care system. Its specialized staff and experienced staff provide fast and qualified assistance to poisoning victims. The work of TTG reduces risks to people’s health and lives, and also contributes to the development and implementation of measures to prevent poisoning. All this makes the Toxico-Therapeutic Group an invaluable tool in ensuring the safety and health of society in the modern world, where the risk of poisoning remains significant.

Toxic-therapeutic group (TSG)

Toxic-therapeutic groups are special units from among the personnel of medical units or institutions designed to treat poisoning after the combat use of chemical toxic substances throughout the entire period established by the medicinal properties of the poison.

The organization and structure of the toxic-theoretical group is based on classification according to the principle of subordination in time and space. Therefore, with similar conditions of victims from different purposes, they can be combined into one group without compromising its effectiveness. Specially trained medical workers are assigned to work in toxicology groups. Their number in the group depends on the actual tension and the amount of poisonous substances used. When favorable conditions occur, additional forces and resources are attracted from units of combined arms units, institutions, and health care authorities according to the plans of treatment commanders and heads of medical services.

The main forms of work of the toxico-toxicological group are:

1. Stay of the doctor of the special detachment. medical care; 2. Permanent stay; 3. Reception of patients at the request of the military medical service. 3-4 hours of working time per day are allocated for the work of the toxicologist and the attending physician caring for the patient. These forms of work cannot be carried out simultaneously, due to the significant number of poisoned people. The main work of the toxic during the day is performed by stationary workers together with the attending physician on the basis of a treatment plan, which is developed by the doctor on duty during the crossing of the first stage of evacuation in time. The treatment plan notes the severity of the patient’s condition, the nature and direction of poisoning, its prognosis, information about changes, the occurrence of