Transposition of the Truncus Arteriosus

Transposition of the arteries is a developmental abnormality of the heart in which the truncus arteriosus deviates from its normal position and is located in a different location than usual. This can lead to various health problems, including heart failure, arrhythmias, and other heart problems.

Transposition of the arteries can be diagnosed using echocardiography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment for arterial transposition may involve surgical correction, which may include ligation of the artery, repositioning of the artery, or placement of artificial valves. In some cases, patients may need a pacemaker to control their heart rhythm.

It is important to note that transposition of the arteries is a rare condition and its diagnosis and treatment can be challenging. However, thanks to modern diagnostic and treatment methods, many patients with transposition of the arteries can live a normal life.

Transposition of the arteries is a surgical procedure that is necessary to eliminate arterial aneurysms. Transposition of the truncus arteriosus is a type of arterial transposition or rearrangement. It consists of changing the shape and position of the artery to achieve optimal treatment results. Transpositions can be performed in a variety of ways, including classical transposition surgery and transperineal transposition. Each approach has its own advantages and limitations, so the choice of surgery depends on the patient's condition and severity