
Traumatic morbidity remains a serious problem for the health and well-being of society as a whole. Injuries are one of the most common causes of disability, disability, and even death among children, adolescents, young adults, and adults of all ages. They are also a major contributor to patients' healthcare costs and lost earnings from the workplace.

Traumatic injuries are a widespread problem in both developed and developing countries. This problem affects people of all age groups, genders and walks of life, including children, youth and the elderly. In some countries with high injury rates, such as China, the Republic of Korea, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Turkey, injuries are a serious socioeconomic phenomenon with high morbidity and mortality rates.

The injury prevalence statistic reflects statistics related to the number of injuries per 1,000

Injuries are one of the most common health problems among children and adults. Trauma can cause serious consequences, such as physical and mental impairment, and also have an impact on a person's social life.

Currently, injuries are a serious problem for the population of all countries of the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), injuries account for more than 50% of deaths among children under 5 years of age. In addition, injuries remain a leading cause of disability and death in adulthood. In Russia, according to Rosstat, more than 39 thousand people died from injuries in 2020, which is about 3% of all deaths in the country.

WHO statistics show that almost half of all injuries occur in vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. Most injury cases are blamed on a variety of work-related accidents, traffic accidents, household injuries, and other types of incidents.

Trauma can be defined as a violation of the anatomy

Injury rate - the prevalence of injuries in the population and its groups

Injuries are one of the most important problems facing society. It poses a serious threat to the health and lives of people, especially children, adolescents and adults. Injuries can be caused by a variety of reasons - from a fall on the street to an accident.

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to studying the problem of traumatic incidents, as its prevalence and negative effect have become colossal. Injuries pose a great danger to human health and life, so timely identification and provision of assistance to victims is the primary task of specialized services or organizations that help solve the problem of injuries.

Trauma accounting has received significant attention in society for several reasons. Firstly, this is one of the most significant demographic indicators of society, but it is the most difficult to take into account within statistics. Even with timely assistance to an injured person, the time spent on treatment can have negative consequences. Therefore, experts strive to pay more attention to injuries as an indicator of the social and economic situation in the state, and also monitor its negative impact on the human body and on the health of the entire nation.

The consequences of traumatic experiences are so serious for the human body that they are difficult to rehabilitate. Particular attention is paid to these issues in children. As a result of past or already old experience of trauma, a child may develop various mental or somatic abnormalities, cognitive problems or disorders of personality development, and the initial and neurophysiological characteristics of the body play a significant role in this.

Statistics also do not stand still and show to what extent injuries can affect the disability indicators of the population. Thousands of people experience a decrease in normal performance due to the development of serious diseases caused specifically by injuries. Although doctors and other health care providers are constantly developing injury prevention programs, their dissemination is not the most important thing in combating the causes of disease. The most important thing is careful prevention of injuries, providing timely necessary assistance and maintaining conditions for full recovery after the experience of traumatization. ***Result*** *The problem of injuries is quite acute, and health authorities, various organizations and scientific institutions are involved in its resolution, studying this problem and finding ways to solve it as quickly as possible. If earlier people faced primarily injuries that occurred at work, today they can also get injured while playing sports, on the city streets and even at home.* _**Important to remember! *** _Try to avoid injuries and injuries, be careful on the streets, take care of yourself and your loved ones!_