Treatment and prevention of bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system in which the walls of the bronchi become inflamed. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. Typically, acute bronchitis develops against the background of acute respiratory infections. And its transition to a chronic form is the result of untimely and incorrect treatment.

The main companion of bronchitis is cough. With its help, the body tries to get rid of viruses and bacteria that have entered the respiratory tract. In the first days of illness, the cough is dry, and then it becomes wet (with sputum).

Bronchitis is treated at home or in a hospital - it depends on the severity of the symptoms. You may need to take antibiotics. One of the goals of treatment is to eliminate cough. For this purpose, both traditional medicine and modern drugs are used. Among drugs for the treatment of bronchitis, mucolytics occupy a special place. They thin out mucus and improve its separation. Among the types of mucolytic drugs, doctors have recently more often prescribed mucolytics based on carbocisteine. These medications are effective and safe, especially for young patients.

Read more about the treatment and prevention of bronchitis in the material “Bronchitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention” on the LIKAR.INFO Portal.