Trephine, Trephine

Trephine: Surgical instrument for removing round pieces of tissue

Surgical instruments play an important role in modern medicine. They help doctors perform various surgeries and procedures that can save patients' lives. One such instrument is the trephine, also known as the trephine.

Trefin is a surgical instrument that is used to remove round pieces of tissue from the body. It can be used to extract bone fragments or corneal fragments from the eye. This instrument consists of a hollow tube with a serrated cut edge.

Trefin has a length from 1 to 15 mm and can be of various shapes. It is made of stainless steel, which ensures sterility and durability of the instrument. Some trefin models also have handles for ease of use.

The use of trephine begins with performing a craniotomy, an operation that involves removing part of the skull bone to access the brain. To do this, the doctor applies a mark to the scalp, then the marked area is treated with an antiseptic. The doctor then applies trephine to the bone and begins to rotate it to create a hole in the bone. Once the hole is created, the doctor can use other instruments to remove pieces of bone and gain access to the brain.

In the case of extracting fragments of the cornea of ​​the eye, trephine is used to create a round hole in the cornea, which is then used for surgery.

Trephine is an important instrument used in surgery to extract round pieces of tissue. It can be used to extract bone fragments or corneal fragments from the eye. This instrument is necessary to perform certain surgical procedures and is an integral part of medical practice.

Trephine and trephine are surgical instruments that are used to extract round pieces of tissue from soft tissue such as the cornea or bone. They consist of a hollow tube that has a serrated cut edge.

Trefin is a tool that is used to cut round pieces of fabric. It consists of a hollow metal tube with jagged edges. This instrument is used at the initial stage of craniotomy - surgery to remove a brain tumor. The serrated edges of the instrument allow you to quickly and easily remove the tumor.

A trephine is another surgical instrument used to remove round pieces of tissue. This instrument also consists of a hollow tube with jagged edges, but is used to examine bone microscopically. Trephine allows you to obtain tissue samples for further research.

Both instruments are important tools in medical practice, especially in brain and bone surgery.

Trefin, trephine, meaning of the word

A tool for removing round pieces of stone, bone, etc. When making a hole with a T.K. plunger, the trephine is installed by rotating the handle and an incision is made equal to a third of the diameter of the hole. Impacts during the reverse stroke of the tool with oblong strikers