Triceps Brachii Reflex

Reflexes from the triceps brachii muscles are important anatomical structures that provide muscle function and stabilization of the shoulder. In this article we will look at what this reflex is, how it works, what diseases can arise due to disruption of its functioning, and how to treat it.

A reflex is a reflex

The triceps brachii reflex (RTBR) is a reflex contraction of the triceps brachii muscle when the receptors in the elbow joint are stimulated. It is one of the most studied reflexes in human physiology.

RSTMP occurs when irritation of proprioceptive receptors located on the capsule of the elbow joint, as well as receptors in the skin, muscles and tendons of the forearm and shoulder. In this case, the motor neuron of the triceps muscle is activated, which innervates it.

The reflex contraction of the triceps muscle helps maintain body balance when moving the arm and prevents hyperextension. RSTMP is also involved in regulating the tone of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm, which is necessary to maintain correct posture and balance of the body.

The study of RSTMP is of practical importance for assessing the functional state of the nervous system and muscles, as well as for diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, with pathology of the nervous system, reflexes may be weakened or absent, which may indicate the presence of a neurological disease.

In addition, the assessment of RSTMP is used in sports medicine to determine the level of fitness of athletes and assess their functional state. For example, in high-class athletes the reflex may be faster and deeper, which indicates their high physical fitness and readiness for stress.

Thus, the reflex from the triceps brachii muscle is an important tool for assessing the functional state of the body and diagnosing various diseases.