
Trichofolticulomas are benign neoplasms, which are tumor-like formations in the scalp, in the form of a polyp, fibroma, or cyst. Such tumors can be found in both adults and children. According to most researchers, they most often form between the ages of 5 and 25 years. However, their development can occur already in the first months of a child’s life. Trichofolticoloma is one of the most common benign

Trichophyllolium is a tumor-like formation of hair on the skin that arises from the orifices of the hair follicles. Depending on the causes of its occurrence, this formation can be localized on any part of the body. Localization largely determines the prognosis of the disease. The main causes of trichophyllium include inflammatory skin diseases, seborrheic dermatitis, some types of scars and skin lesions, athlete's foot and others. The hereditary nature of this disease cannot be ruled out either.

Trichophyllomas can be any color, sometimes they can be colorless, but more often they have a chestnut or red color. The surface of the lesion is smooth and shiny, trichophylls cover the skin more densely than keratinized cells. Sometimes there are crusts and increased peeling of the skin in this area.