
Trichokinesis is a phenomenon in which hair grows and changes color without human influence. Research shows that evolution has given people the ability not only to reproduce, but also to control their physical body.

Science has always been somewhat skeptical about such a human ability as influencing surrounding objects with the power of thought, without even touching on the triad of touch-vision-hearing. However, recent research has shown that this theory is not so far from the truth. This discovery was made possible through a collaboration between the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Naval Weapons and Systems Research Center. The results of their work showed an amazing thing: if a person concentrates on the hair of a certain area of ​​his body, then he can “control” its growth and color.

Experiments showed that if subjects focused for several minutes on one area of ​​the skin on the head, in particular on the eyebrows or hair on the forehead and back of the head, their hair follicle “fell asleep” and formed an active zone for hair growth, according to