Troxevasin for spider veins on the face reviews

Does Troxevasin really help against rosacea on the face? How to apply it correctly - as a mask at night?? experts

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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

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Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

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Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

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I have an allergy and my face is swollen. I had to refuse. Couperosis became less affected by ascorutin and vit C.

There is a cream with heparin, Novosvit, for bags and circles under the eyes, it is better for the whole face. Well, German essential oils - rosemary, cypress, etc. troxevasin xs can it be used on the face

No, it won't help. Because it does not have a deep effect on the veins, it does not penetrate deeply into the skin. Author, if you don’t have a strong degree, then the lazar shower will help you. If it’s strong, then there’s a flash in the beauty salon.

I have an allergy and my face is swollen. I had to refuse. Couperosis became less affected by ascorutin and vit C.

You can’t use troxevasin against rosacea, what are you talking about?

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You can’t use troxevasin against rosacea, what are you talking about?

Actually, on the tube itself it says: varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency with symptoms such as swelling and pain in the legs, a feeling of heaviness, swollen legs, tired legs, spider veins and spider veins - this is rosacea, convulsions, paresthesia, thrombophlebitis and etc

I read reviews on another site that when combined with ascorutin, 2% troxevasin gel helps. But everything needs to be used for at least 3 - 4 weeks.
I want to try it myself.

I have an allergy and my face is swollen. I had to refuse. Couperosis became less affected by ascorutin and vit C.

Troxevasin helped me a lot! I used only ointment and only once a day, at night. I’m a nursing mother, so I didn’t take pills, and the doctor prescribed ointment for me during pregnancy for varicose veins, so despite the breastfeeding, I decided to try it for rosacea on my face. I didn’t expect a miracle, because all my life I had been unsuccessfully fighting for beautiful skin, I believed advertising and expensive products and was disappointed. In addition to rosacea, I suffered from acne and post-acne and oily skin. Not a day went by without foundation. Many people are familiar with this. Not a single guy I've dated has ever seen me without foundation. Except for my husband. The acne somehow went away gradually on its own (it’s time to do it at 32 years old), but rosacea and post-acne lesions remained. While on maternity leave, the need to wear makeup every day was no longer necessary, but I was scared to look in the mirror. and so, I accidentally came across a review on the net about Troxevasin as a remedy for post-acne and tried it. The tube had been collecting dust since pregnancy, so I didn’t even have to buy it. I smeared it on my face for a month and saw the result and was afraid to believe that the ointment was working. Despite the summer and the heat, my skin no longer looked purple, it turned pink. After a month I was happy with the result, but following the Internet I took a break for a month. There was no relapse. I repeated the course for a month and only with ointment, at night. And in the second month, my skin became what I didn’t even remember, NORMAL. I'm not embarrassed to go out without foundation. Now my cheeks don’t “burn” from frost, wind, etc. The post-acne scars are already barely noticeable, and the ointment also took care of that. I can imagine what the result would be even with pills. Today, for the first time in my life, while sitting in line, I heard a compliment that I had a well-groomed face. I didn’t have any foundation, just eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. That's why I'm writing this review. Maybe it will help someone. It’s a pity, of course, that I didn’t know about this miracle remedy earlier. There were so many complexes on this basis. Of course, if you look closely, not everything is so perfect and there are noticeable stars for me, but compared to what it was, this is garbage.


Troxevasin gel is always in my first aid kit, since it has many ways to use it, and situations when it can come in handy arise from time to time. Now, I’ll tell you about my ways of using the gel and its effectiveness.


Troxevasin for spider veins

I have a vascular network on my thighs, of course, I wanted to remove it with the help of Troxevasin gel. I regularly smeared it on problem areas twice a day for more than a month. But the result did not please me; it didn’t exist. All the vessels and spider veins remained in place and did not even brighten. Troxevasin is not effective in the fight against spider veins.


Troxevasin for bruises and bumps

This is the most common method of use for me. I use Troxevasin for bruises and hematomas. It perfectly removes swelling, smoothes out the bump, and helps the bruise disappear faster. Very often I use it on a child, in cases where he gets bumps. Troxevasin quickly eliminates even large hematomas.


Troxevasin for rosacea on the face

I used Troxevasin gel against rosacea on my face and smeared it on problem areas before bed. After regular use, I noticed an improvement, the appearance of rosacea on the face noticeably decreased, the areas with rosacea became lighter.


Troxevasin gel is effective in many applications, for this reason, I always have it on hand. Unfortunately, it is absolutely useless in the fight against spider veins, but for other purposes, you can safely use it and wait for results.

Cuperosis - symptoms and treatment of the disease

Cuperosis is a cosmetic skin problem when red spider veins appear on the wings of the nose or cheeks. It is not classified as a disease, but rather as a consequence of some pathology in the body or exposure to external factors. Tiny capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin. Therefore, any negative action can lead to their inflammation. With rosacea on the face, the walls of blood vessels dilate and are especially visible on light skin. The capillary network can progress and occupy an increasingly larger area if the causes of its occurrence are not identified and removed.

Couperosis can appear at any age. It is sometimes diagnosed even in infants. The causes may be external factors - cold or hot air, cosmetic procedures, overheating in the sun. Mesh on the skin can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy, taking medications, alcohol, hot food, stress and much more.

Laser therapy methods allow you to quickly get rid of pathology, and treatment in the initial stage of rosacea is only needed once. But the cost of such a cosmetic procedure is not affordable for everyone. There are more affordable means to combat rosacea - pharmaceutical ointments and gels.

Troxevasin - description of the dosage form and composition

Troxevasin is available in the form of an ointment (gel) in a 40 gram tube. The gel has a homogeneous viscous structure of light brown color. The main medicinal substance in the composition is troxerutin, its percentage in the gel is 2%.

It also contains auxiliary additional substances, which include:

  1. Trolamine - to cool and soothe the skin, used to protect the skin from the sun
  2. Benzoalkonium chloride is an antiseptic drug
  3. Disodium edetate dihydrate - antidote
  4. Carbomer is an inexpensive structure former, thickener that gives creams and ointments the necessary viscosity
  5. Purified water
  6. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant

The drug has a fairly wide range of applications:

  1. Elimination of signs of chronic venous disease: pain, swelling, muscle spasms, telangiectasia, feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  2. Complex therapy of varicose veins, rosacea (removal of mesh and nodules, allowed to be used during pregnancy), superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis.
  3. Therapy of capillarotoxicosis, which can be caused by influenza or measles, scarlet fever.
  4. Hemorrhagic diathesis, diabetic retinopathy.
  5. Trophic ulcers, the provoking factor of which is varicose veins.
  6. Bruises, hematomas and swelling.
  7. The product is used in the postoperative period for the purpose of prevention.

Can it be used in cosmetology for facial skin?

The composition of Troxevasin speaks for itself: the antiseptic prevents the growth of bacteria, the antidote neutralizes toxic toxins, vitamin C slows down oxidation, and therefore the aging process. The main effect of the gel is that it affects blood vessels, eliminates the appearance of red spots, and relieves swelling. All these properties make it possible to use it as a cosmetic product.

Treatment of rosacea with Troxevasin

When using Troxevasin, it is necessary to remember that treating rosacea is a long process and requires a long course. Treatment methods are similar to how varicose veins are treated. To combat rosacea, all forms of medication are used - cream, gel and capsules for oral administration. Treatment of the disease is carried out at home and does not require much effort. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use two forms of the drug at once: gel with capsules or cream with capsules orally. Often, instead of tablet Troxevasin, the vitamin complex Ascorutin is taken, which combines ascorbic acid and rutin.

Troxevasin gel for the face is applied daily twice a day to slightly damp skin, so it is better absorbed. It is necessary to rub the composition with light massage movements into the places where the vascular network and nodules accumulate. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician; it usually lasts from 14 to 30 days. An effective way to use Troxevasin gel + capsules brings noticeable results within 3-4 days. Patients note a significant narrowing of blood vessels in the affected areas, which can already be disguised with cosmetics.

The capsule form of the medicine is taken when the stars affect a large surface of the cheeks and nose. The dosage regimen is as follows: one 300 mg capsule three times a day for two weeks, then 2 capsules a day for another two to three weeks. A month is enough to get a lasting therapeutic effect.

Does this drug help? The effectiveness of treatment is diagnosed after two weeks. When a positive visual result is achieved, care continues; if a healing effect is not detected, then other drugs are prescribed.

Contraindications for use

Troxevasin for rosacea is a medicinal drug, therefore, despite its effectiveness, it also has contraindications for use. Before starting treatment for rosacea, you should carefully study the instructions. The main prohibitions are directly related to the skin. Do not apply to the face if there is damage to the skin or wounds. The components of the gel dosage form can cause an allergic rash and burning sensation.

People with kidney disease and gastrointestinal diseases should take capsules with extreme caution. When the first signs of discomfort appear, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor to prescribe another drug.

The active components of the external product do not enter the general bloodstream, so Troxevasin gel can be used during pregnancy without threatening the health of the unborn child. Cream from stars on the face does not have a harmful effect during breastfeeding. During the course of taking the drug, you are allowed to drive a vehicle.

Troxevasin for rosacea on the face - reviews and photos

Most reviews from the use of the drug are positive, as it has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Therapy for rosacea with Troxevasin is effective, with virtually no side effects.

Maria. “I smeared my face with troxevasin and my rosacea began to go away on the 4th day. I was shocked, honestly, I didn’t expect such a good result, because curing this problem is quite difficult, my skin was no longer so pink, it looked fresh, it began to respond better to temperature changes, it became denser and smoother. The recommended course of treatment is 4 weeks, during this time my rosacea became almost invisible, I am very pleased with the results! Troxevasin tablets are also recommended, but take a cheap analogue - ascorutin tablets, which cost 60 rubles, their composition with troxevasin is the same. Together with taking the capsules, the gel works quickly.”

Evgenia. “Troxevasin helped me a lot! I used the ointment only once a day at night. I am a nursing mother, so I didn’t take pills. The tube had been collecting dust since pregnancy, so I didn’t even have to buy it. I smeared it on my face at night for a month and saw the result that the ointment was working. Despite the summer and the heat, my skin no longer looked purple, it turned pink. After a month I was happy with the result, but following the Internet I took a break for a month. There was no relapse. I repeated the course for a month and only with ointment, at night. And in the second month, my skin became what I didn’t even remember, NORMAL. It’s a pity, of course, that I didn’t know about this miracle remedy earlier. There were so many complexes on this basis. Of course, if you look closely, not everything is so perfect and there are noticeable asterisks for me, but compared to what it was, this is just excellent.”

Troxevasin - analogues and price

Troxerutin is not a prescription drug. It is freely available in any pharmacy chain. The cost of the product varies from 100 to 700 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the markup of the pharmacy itself.

The quality of the gel and capsules made in Belarus, Czech, Bulgarian and Russian is absolutely the same. An analogue of the gel is considered to be those medications that contain Troxerutin. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.