Thrombophlebitis Postpartum

Postpartum thrombophelitis is a disease that occurs after childbirth and is characterized by the formation of blood clots in the deep veins of the lower extremities. This is a serious condition that can lead to serious complications if not treated immediately. It occurs in 5-8% of women giving birth and is one of the main causes of maternal mortality in developed countries.

The development of postpartum thrombophlebitis is associated with changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, as well as a number of factors, such as blood loss, infections and other diseases. After childbirth, a woman’s body faces serious physiological changes, such as the opening of the external os of the cervix, dilation of blood vessels, the appearance of blood loss, etc. All these changes lead to temporary

Thrombosis after childbirth **Postpartum thrombophlebopathy** is a pathology in which repeated lesions of the deep veins of the leg are noted against the background of previously suffered phlebitis. Most cases are caused by emergency caesarean section, especially if labor is difficult or hemorrhoids are present. This occurs due to the lack of gravity, which interferes with the removal of blood clots from the deep veins. The result is stagnation of venous blood and its subsequent coagulation.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a skin biopsy at the site of injury to exclude rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis. Manifestations of postpartum thrombosis are:

- inflammation of the skin without signs of swelling, - minor swelling of the lower extremities, - hot and painful skin in the thighs and forearms, - small lymph nodes. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo general blood tests, urine tests, culture tests, an ECG and an ultrasound of both parts of the uterus. Also, the doctor must prescribe bacteriological tests.