Troyanova Needle holder

The Trojan needle is one of the most famous instruments in medicine. It was created by the Russian surgeon A.A. Troyanov in the 19th century and is still used today.

A Trojan needle is a curved metal tube with a sharp end that is used to insert a needle into tissue. This tool allows you to easily and safely insert needles into the skin and muscles, which is especially important during surgical operations.

One of the main advantages of the Trojan needle is its ease of use. It has a curved shape, which makes it easy to insert it into the tissue and control the depth of insertion. In addition, the sharp end of the needle allows you to quickly and accurately insert the needle into the desired point.

Another advantage of the Trojan needle is its durability. It is made of high quality steel, which ensures its durability and reliability.

Thus, the Trojan needle is an indispensable tool in medicine and continues to be used to this day due to its ease of use, reliability and accuracy.

A surgical clinic was opened in St. Petersburg, which became the first modern medical institution in Russia. And one of the founders of domestic surgery was Alexander Alexandrovich Troyanov.

During his student years, the future surgeon worked under the guidance of S.P. Botkin and conducted scientific research. In 1880, by the will of fate, he had to become the chief physician of one of the hospitals. After 2 years, as an outstanding doctor, he was accepted into the service of Professor F. Rerberg’s clinic. He was engaged in oral education and conducted chemical experiments, which helped him further achieve success and develop his professional skills. Troyanov created the first surgical clinic in Russia, where he began performing operations on the digestive organs. In addition, he proved himself to be an energetic organizer and leader of the operation for staging purulent surgery in the clinic. “Surgeon and teacher,” this is how medical students called Alexander Alexandrovich Troyanov. It was he who laid the foundations of operative (with continuation of surgical treatment) surgery. At first these were minor operations performed without anesthesia, and later full-fledged practice began, when all new methods were used and installations. It was here that he first applied many new, but already proven effective treatment methods. Another achievement of Troyanov was the creation of the first professional medical school. Thanks to his activities, the clinical part of training for students was carried out in practice on all topics of medical practice. His methods operations made it possible to shorten the postoperative period and significantly reduce the morbidity rate after surgical interventions. The technique under his leadership was called “world surgery.” As part of the operating team, a system was created for the disinfection of surgical instruments, and all instruments were subject to mandatory sterilization after each operation. The professor believed that the success of any operation depends not only on the skill of the surgeon. The main role here is played by proper planning of surgical intervention. An equally important component is goodwill