Rigor mortis Cataleptic

Cadaveric ossification catalepsy is an anatomical fixation or ossified posture of a corpse, in which all muscles are in a tense and fixed state, not responding to any external influences (physical or chemical) from the surrounding areas of the body. A person with cataleptic tetanus is not in the position of a pillar support, but takes special dying poses, for example, as during excavations, when signs of attenuation of the cells of the central nervous system are found.

The Department of the State Health Protection "Transcarpathian Regional Clinical Hospital" (Kremenets city head center of emergency medical care) was contacted by a patient regarding persistent tetanus (Table 1). The patient was taken to the intensive care unit of the Regional Clinical Hospital by the ambulance team through the regional clinical hospital of Azov, Donetsk region. At the time of admission, the patient’s condition is stable and serious, there is no consciousness, pain syndrome is expressed from 4-6 points to 8-10 points. The tongue is gray, lips are cyanotic, acrocyanosis. Breathing heavy. The pulse is thready (44 beats per minute), the extremities are cold, the Orkin sign is positive. Tendon reflexes D>S, moderate areflexia; the pupils are different; spontaneous breathing. ECG without pathological changes; the abdomen is soft, slightly increased in volume due to free fluid.

Rigor mortis cataleptically is a condition in which the human corpse is in catalepsis at the moment of death. This pathological condition lasts from the moment of death and can last up to 24 hours.

Cadaveric petrification of cataleptics occurs as a result of a sharp decrease in muscle activity. Compared to other types of rigor mortis, cataleptic muscles lose their elasticity completely. A person is in a state of catalepsis for a long time, several days. In addition, another sign of rigor mortis is the lack of facial expressions. The whole body freezes in one position, which was characteristic of a person in the last moments of life.

In addition, the reasons for the development of cataleptic states include: • chronic alcoholism • drug addiction • severe somatic diseases Natural causes of such a phenomenon as a catalytic corpse are also known - stress, emergency situations, poisoning.

Catalepsis is a pathological condition in the form of violent contraction of skeletal muscles and short-term loss of consciousness after a stroke. It occurs due to a disruption in the blood supply to the brain. Most often, hyperkalemia can result from metabolic disorders, as well as as part of treatment for the underlying disease. Symptoms of this pathological condition may include vomiting, weakness, neurological disorders due to dehydration, and loss of sensation in the limbs. Sometimes respiratory paralysis occurs. Muscle pain may also occur, especially severe during exercise. A cataleptic seizure is life-threatening, so you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms.