Tsefekon M

Cefekon is a popular medicine that is widely used to relieve pain and reduce fever in medical institutions and at home. In this article we will look at Cefekon, its manufacturers, composition, dosage form and principle of action.

**Cefekon (cefekonamet)** Cefeconamethacin is a combined analgesic drug that is used as an antipyretic and analgesic. It consists of two components: paracetamol (acetaminophen) and metamizole sodium. Paracetamol is an easily digestible analgesic that has anti-inflammatory and antifever effects. Metamizole sodium has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Cefecononemeta can be available in various forms, such as tablets, suspensions and suppositories. To relieve pain at home, the most convenient form is suppositories (suppositories). They have the shape of a white pyramid and contain medicine that quickly dissolves in direct