Tuberculosis of the Facial Skin Miliary Disseminated

Tuberculosis of the facial skin: miliary and disseminated Description of the disease

Miliary tuberculosis is a chronic form of skin lesion characterized by small granular nodules with yellow peeling that appear on the human body. Disseminated miliary skin lesion on the face appears in the skin area around the mouth or on the nose. There is red miliary peeling on the face, which appears on the cheeks, eyelids or chin. Red miliary inflammation develops due to lumbago and is caused by anaerobic bacteria.

There are several types of miliary tuberculosis of the skin: vulgar (or ordinary), disseminated-miliary, indurative (or marbled), erythematosquamous, papular-infiltrative, lenticular erythema.

Disseminated miliary lupus (DMF) affects the skin of the face and can spread to other parts of the body. This type of lupus usually appears as small red spots on the skin that look like nodules or granules, which can be located on the nose, forehead, cheeks or chin, or around the eyes or mouth.

Myliopora is also known as pho

Tuberculosis of the facial skin, millard disseminated **(tuberculosis cutis disseminata miliariformis faciei)**

__Tuberculosis of the facial skin_ billionisseminata (*tuberculosis cutis faciae miliariforme disseminata*) is a purulent skin disease caused by the causative agent of the tuberculosis bacillus. It is usually localized on the face and scalp. The primary lesion is the seborrheic hair follicle, where microorganisms multiply. Primary rashes are bullous-erythematous with a raised acute inflammatory halo along the periphery and yellowish serous discharge; the sebaceous glands, sweat ducts and hair follicles are secondarily affected._

_Depending on the nature of the infiltration, the following pattern may appear around the tubercle: “lemon peel”, “parchment mask”, around