Miliary Tuberculosis

Miliary Tuberculosis is an acute generalized tuberculosis characterized by damage to various organs, which in appearance resembles millet.

With miliary tuberculosis, hematogenous dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the primary focus occurs with the formation of multiple foci in various organs. These lesions are 1-3 mm in size, which is what gave the disease its name - they resemble the size of millet grains.

The lungs, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, adrenal glands, kidneys, meninges and other organs are most often affected. Clinically, miliary tuberculosis is manifested by fever, intoxication, sweating, and weakness. A characteristic symptom is an enlarged liver and spleen. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical and radiological picture and is confirmed bacteriologically.

Miliary tuberculosis is a severe form with high mortality. Treatment includes several anti-TB drugs over a long period of time. The prognosis depends on timely diagnosis and adequate therapy. Prevention of miliary tuberculosis consists of timely identification and treatment of the primary tuberculosis focus.

Miliary tuberculosis is an acute infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, manifested by massive damage to parenchymal and other internal organs. The disease usually develops in children and young adults and occurs as secondary cases caused by hematogen

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. There is a primary form, which develops several weeks after contact with a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis or infection with M. bovis BCG, as well as extrapulmonary forms, which are recorded mainly in people with immunodeficiency. Infection with M. tuberculosis causes damage to the pulmonary alveoli in 95% of cases and lymph nodes in 50%, less often affecting the kidneys, meninges, liver, skin, eyes

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. During the patient's life, a transition to a chronic form is possible. The disease has several forms. One of the dangerous manifestations may be tuberculosis of the Miliary type. As a rule, this form of the disease is severe and its treatment should use a number of therapeutic measures and constant medical monitoring. In some cases, miliary tuberculosis requires hospitalization.

Miliary tuberculosis is the pulmonary form of tuberculosis, in which there are many small foci in the lungs that look like millet grains. This name arose because the initially affected organ was unknown. Myliocytes accumulated layers of lipid, alveolar bacilli, which made them look like bran under a microscope. However, nowadays this form has become less common, as medicine has found many new, effective treatment methods.

Despite its name, miliary tuberculosis is not the most common form of tuberculosis. It is quite rare in general and usually refers to the late stages of the development of the general tuberculosis process. Once a doctor diagnoses the presence of miliary tuberculosis in a patient, it becomes further important to monitor the dynamics of the disease and conduct a systematic health examination. Also, identifying this form of pathology allows you to take measures to prevent its occurrence, treat other forms of the disease and its complications.

Unfortunately, this form of tuberculosis most often occurs in people at risk, especially drug addicts.