Tuberculin diagnostics

The tuberculin test is a simple laboratory test (diagnostics) that allows you to determine the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the Koch bacillus group in the human body.

Modern medicine in any case provides a full range of diagnostics for mycobacterial infections. The patient can obtain the material for analysis independently (from skin folds or a lymph node). It can also be diagnosed when the infestation spreads. In a more severe form, with skin lesions, a clinical picture develops and specific symptoms of the disease may appear

The test belongs to the skin category. Antigens are used to carry this out. They are obtained from killed bacteria. The process is carried out on modern equipment, allowing you to get results in a short time. The advantages of the study include its low cost. You can undergo the study regardless of your compulsory medical insurance class. The only caveat is that if necessary, the patient needs to prepare for the procedure. However, it is not difficult. After being examined by a doctor, a person can take the test independently in a specialized clinic. In the absence of contraindications, children are allowed to take the test even in the first year of life. When obtaining material yourself, it is important to process it correctly. As a rule, laboratory medical workers have this information.

Clinical material is examined under a microscope. Blood is taken from a vein or capillary sample from the patient. The Mantoux reaction allows you to obtain the most accurate test results. Among the advantages of the method, it is worth noting its information content, sensitivity and economic feasibility. Clinical confirmation of the results is not required, however, if the results worsen, you will have to repeat the study after the required period of time.

The tuberculin test is one of the methods for diagnosing tuberculosis, based on the intradermal administration of special tuberculin and monitoring the skin condition throughout the day. This disease is called a diagnosis for the reason that during life, bacteria are capable of producing many enzymes such as hydrolases, which decompose the proteins of microbial cells, due to which they are absorbed by the patient’s body.