Tubular bone

A tubular bone is a long bone that is shaped like a tube and consists of three main parts: the diaphysis, metaphysis and epiphysis. The diaphysis is the middle part of the bone that contains the medullary cavity. The metaphysis is the expanded part of the bone located between the diaphysis and the epiphysis. The epiphysis is the end part of the bone on which the joint is located.

Long bones are one of the most common types of bones in the human body. They perform many functions, including supporting the body, moving, protecting and participating in various processes such as digestion, respiration and circulation.

There are two types of long bones: long and short. Long tubular bones are, for example, the femur, humerus and forearm bones. Short tubular bones, such as the finger bones, form the skeleton of the hand and foot.

Additionally, tubular bones can be grouped based on their function. For example, the femurs are the bones of the lower limb, and the humeri are the bones of the upper limb.

In general, tubular bones play an important role in our body, providing its structure and functioning. Therefore, it is important to take care of bone health, including proper nutrition, physical activity and regular medical checkups.

Tubular bone

Tubular bone (lat. os tuberculatum) is the bone of the free part of the human limbs, which has an elongated middle part (diaphysis) containing the medullary cavity. The tubular bone also has expanded end parts called epiphyses.

Tubular bones are the most common bones in the human body. They are found in all parts of the limbs, as well as in some other parts of the body, such as the spine and skull.

Depending on the length of the bone, they are divided into long and short. Long bones, such as the femur, are the longest bones in the human body. Short bones, such as the metacarpals, are usually shorter than long bones.

The structure of tubular bone consists of several layers. Inside the bone is a medullary cavity filled with red bone marrow. The epiphyses, or terminal sections, have a thickened and more dense structure. They provide mechanical strength and stability of the bone under load.

In addition, tubular bones have blood vessels and nerve endings that provide nutrition and innervation to the tissues around the bone.

Tubular bones play an important role in supporting and moving the body. They provide support and protection for muscles and tendons, and are also involved in transmitting force and movement between different parts of the body.

Thus, tubular bone is an important part of the human musculoskeletal system. Its structure, functions and characteristics play a key role in maintaining health and normal functioning of the body.