Tudari - bedbugs

Dioscorides says: “It is a herb whose leaves are like the leaves of horsemint. Its root is quadrangular, and the length of its root is half a cubit. It has flowers containing oblong black seeds. This is the type of tamari that is used as medicine; as for its wild appearance, its seeds are round.”

Hot in the second degree, humid in the first.

It is caustic, similar to that of seed cress, and has the ability to ulcerate.

Tumors and acne.
It helps in the form of an ointment with water sweetened with honey against cancerous tumors that have not yet ulcerated, is useful for all kinds of solid tumors and is used as a medicinal bandage for swelling.

Tools with joints.
It is applied as a medicinal bandage for gouty indurations, and it helps.

Organs of the head.
It helps with swelling at the base of the ear.

Organs of the eye.
In the form of an ointment with honey, it clears ulcers in the eye.

Breast organs.
Introduced into licking medicines, it helps with coughing up juices. It is first soaked, then boiled in water, and then put in a rag and fried.

Eruption organs.
It promotes sexual intercourse, especially if boiled in wine.