Tularemia Diagnostic Serum

Serum Tularemia Diagnostic? Introduction:

Tularemia is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Tulaeresius. It is often found in countries with warm and temperate climates. In Russia, tuleraemia diagnosis is carried out using serological methods and detection of specific antibodies in blood serum. One of these methods is to detect antibodies to a bacterial antigen in the blood using antibodies and special serum. This article is devoted to this drug - tularimium diagnostic serum (TDS).


TDS is the main element of tularia diagnostic methods. It is an active immunodiagnostic drug containing specific antibodies to antigens of the causative agent of tulyarimia. TDS is produced by immunizing horses with a susceptible strain of Tularaisus and agglutinating them to obtain antigens.

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