Solid tumors

A solid tumor, called pure scirrhus, is a tumor in which there is no sensitivity and pain, and if sensitivity remains, even a slight one, then it is no longer pure scirrhus. Pure or impure scirrus, in which some sensitivity is retained, is not accompanied by pain. Scirrhus is formed either from one main sedimentary black bile, in which case it is lead-colored, or from black bile mixed with mucus, in which case its color is closer to the color of the body, or it is formed from one hardened mucus. Pure skyrrhus is in most cases lead-colored, very tense and hard; sometimes it is covered with fluff on top, and there is no healing from such scirrus. And sometimes the color of the skyrrhus is flesh-colored, and it passes from one organ to another and is called farnus, or it is also flesh-colored, but hard, large, incurable and completely unmovable. Every scirrhus is either initial, and such scirrhus appears and increases little by little, or it is formed from another tumor - phlegmon, erysipelas or an abscess in some empty place: hardening in the insides most often occurs after a hot tumor, which was treated with cooling and viscous dishes and medications.

Sometimes scirrhus turns into cancer. It is close or far from cancer, depending on whether the inflammation is large or insignificant, the beating of the tumor is obvious or hidden, and the vessels surrounding it are visible or not.

Treatment. Of these tumors, those that are sensitive should be treated. After cleansing the body with means that remove the disease-causing juice - sometimes, if there is a lot of black bile in the blood, the body is cleansed by bloodletting - one should rely on drugs that are both dissolving and softening. Skirrhus is not treated with either dissolving or drying substances, because this leads to severe petrification, since dense matter dries out, and rarefied matter dissolves.

Treatment of scirrus should be carried out in two periods and the first period is devoted to dissolution with the help of drugs that do not dry out very much, because any dissolving drug in most cases dries, and a moisturizing one rarely dissolves; The degree of heat of the medicine should be intermediate between the second and third, and the degree of drying should be the first. And in the second period, the tumor is softened, and these periods follow each other and mutually contribute to treatment.

During the period of dissolution, the diseased organ should starve, for which the nutrient is diverted to the opposite organ, forcing the latter to move and exercise and causing it to starve, and during the period of mitigation, the diseased organ should be saturated, sending nutrients to it by rubbing and similar methods and with by lubrication with Zift. The degree of strength or weakness of thinning and emollient drugs should be different, depending on the looseness or density of the organ, its large or small hardness; when combining drugs, it is appropriate to combine both of these abilities. The patient should not use the bathhouse frequently; The bath dissolves rarefied matter and collects dense matter, but it cannot dissolve dense matter.

Nutrients that have some solvent properties are, for example, lard - chicken, goose, veal, bovine and especially deer - as well as the marrow from the bones of these animals. Good for this disease are goat fat and donkey fat, as well as the fat of predators such as lions, wolves, leopards, bears, or similar animals - foxes and hyenas, or the fat of birds of prey; when preparing medicines for dissolution, ushshak, bdellium, galban, maya or mastic should be mixed with these fats, and when making emollients, the fats should be consumed alone. The best of the fats mentioned are lion and bear; The mucilage of fenugreek and flaxseed also has a solubilizing property.

The listed fats and similar softening substances should not contain salt at all, because salt dries and causes hardening; on the contrary, they should act in the same way as the sun acts on wax, that is, soften and melt without causing it to dry out.

Solvents with some emollient properties also include Slavic bdelium, old olive oil, henna oil, iris oil, galbanum, incense, maya, and lanolin. The best of these medicines are those that are not very old and dry and are more moist. Mastic also comes close to the substances mentioned, and henna oil, iris oil, bust fig and castor oil have both sufficient dissolving and softening properties.

Here is one of the emollient medicines: take the grounds of linseed oil and vinegar grounds, bring the mixture to a boil and, when it boils well, pour melted fat tail fat into it and use it.

Good medicines for this disease also include the following: take mad cucumber and marshmallow root and prepare a mud cake; if you add May and, it will be even better.

When signs of softening appear, a cake of usshak dissolved in strong vinegar should be applied to the tumor for many days, and after that they return to softening again. Or they take galbanum with opoponax, or galbanum, usshaka and bdellia, grind it all, moisten it with bana oil and iris oil with a small amount of fenugreek mucilage and flaxseed and prepare something like a plaster.

Mud from the walls of the bathhouse is one of the very useful remedies that is included in the composition of plasters for hard tumors, and if bathhouse mud cannot be found, then marshmallow and soda are used instead.

Among the excellent medicinal dressings during the resorption period are the already mentioned mumps dressings, as well as sabirus and cuban dressings. If the tumor is very thick, then you cannot do without vinegar: it cuts the tumor and weakens the strength of the organ, especially if the organ is rich in nerves; Thus, vinegar better frees the organ from matter and places it under the power of external influence. However, vinegar should be used and added to the medicine not at the beginning of the disease, but at the end, when increased softening occurs, and when taking breaks in softening, vinegar should be used carefully; carelessness with vinegar harms the nerves and causes them to turn to stone.

The doctor uses vinegar most boldly if the tumor is in a fleshy organ, for example, with a tumor in the spleen; then the sore spot is often lubricated or fumigated with vinegar, after which, for example, ointment with opopanax and then with ushshak are used. They start with liquid vinegar in a small amount, and then add strength to it and gradually move on to softening. Soft, non-astringent oil should be applied to the tumor: it is more suitable than water, especially dill oil, extracted from fresh dill.

Hardenings in tendons and nerves benefit from opening medications. One of the good remedies is fumigation from hot stones, for example, from millstones; It is best to fumigate with marcasite.

Fumigate with steam and smoke intensively until perspiration appears. Sometimes the hardening is lubricated with grated marcasite diluted in vinegar, and this helps. And here vinegar should be used with caution, so that the vinegar does not disperse the rarefied matter and cause the dense juice to harden, and so that the strength of the nerve is not excessively weakened. Vinegar is harmful at first; therefore, when using it, you should take breaks, during which the swelling should be softened. Once you start using vinegar, fumigate the organ with it as stated, and lubricate it with suitable medicines. When hardened in a fleshy organ, vinegar is safer.