
Typhlopexia is a surgical operation that involves fixing the lens of the eye to the iris. This helps prevent it from moving and improves vision.

Typhlopexy can be performed both to treat myopia and to correct other types of ametropia. It can also be used to treat cataracts and other eye conditions that can lead to vision loss.

The tiflopexy procedure involves removing the lens from the eye and fixing it to the iris using a special instrument - a tiflopexy ring. The surgeon then places the ring in place where the lens was removed and secures it with special sutures.

Typhlopexy is a procedure for surgically attaching a lens or artificial lens of the eye (implant) to the body's cornea to create optimal vision conditions. Due to surgical fastening, there is a high probability of implant rejection. In addition, due to the implantation of an intracrystal object into the ocular structure, which