Laser stretch mark removal reviews price


Negative reviews

It’s been 8 days since laser resurfacing with the same laser, but I don’t see even the tiniest result, I paid 10,000, it was terribly painful during cauterization, probably due to the fact that the anesthesia did not have time to take effect in 20 minutes. I’m sitting here upset, because the laser was my last hope, but along the way I’ll have to walk around with my grandmother’s belly (I’m talking about wrinkles at the bend below the navel).

Neutral reviews

I also used DOT CO2 from DEKA to remove stretch marks, just like many mothers who got them after pregnancy. I went on the advice of my unfortunate colleagues from the playground - first one decided to remove stretch marks with a laser, then another, they showed a photo...)) They immediately warned me that I could forget about sleeping on my stomach for the next month. For about a month I walked around covered in scabs and dots, they didn’t hurt, but they were itchy. The process, by the way, is also quite tolerable - the doctor advised me to come after the CD, the pain threshold is higher. The result is great! Even my husband noticed the difference, although he usually doesn’t see a new haircut without a direct indication of the changes))

I removed stretch marks with a laser, but of course they didn’t disappear completely because... Stretch marks are scar tissue and, unfortunately, you cannot completely get rid of them, but the result is great, they are practically invisible, and I only did 3 procedures with an interval of 1.5-2 months. I had this procedure done at the Linline clinic, I’m looking for a lot of information on the internet, it’s a network of clinics in Russia))



Skin condition improves, stretch marks are less noticeable


HURT! It takes a long time to heal! Expensive! Not very effective

My story of struggling with stretch marks began during pregnancy. In the seventh month, they spread all over my tummy like a cobweb. Although I bought all kinds of creams and made masks, it did not save my skin(And so, after giving birth, my stomach began to resemble a crumpled rag(((Stretch marks were very noticeable and ugly, the skin was flabby((After finishing feeding, I decided to tackle this problem in a radical way ! And I made an appointment at the salon for laser resurfacing! I thought that there would be some significant change for the better. But... I don’t have a photo before, and I ask those with faint hearts not to look at the photo after the procedure
Last photo, the burn has almost healed.
It feels very, very painful! I was told at the salon that they do not provide anesthesia and that this is not necessary for such a procedure (( It hurt VERY much. When you do such a procedure, you need to take sick leave for a week for a full recovery. During the period when the burn is healing, it constantly needs to be lubricated with healing ointment, without allowing it to dry out and therefore not being able to go anywhere, the clothes stick and stick to the wounds, and peeling off a stuck T-shirt from a burn is just a pain in the ass!
The result of my torment did not impress me either ((The stretch marks smoothed out a little, the skin tightened a little. But just a little.
After a year of doubts, I finally decided to go to another salon and continue the fight for the beauty of my belly. But already with anesthesia and nourishing the skin before the procedure with creams with vitamin E and oils (the skin was lubricated for a week before the procedure).
So I went through 4 more procedures!! I was given anesthesia, which made the resurfacing less unpleasant. As a result, the money is spent, but there is still almost no result ((I will try other methods) If you have anything to suggest, I will be very grateful. I really want to wear an open swimsuit on the beach again))
In general, the procedure is expensive and painful, and requires time for recovery. The results are insignificant. and after the procedure I still had pigment spots at the burn site. 4 months have passed, and still there is a dark square on my stomach(
I don’t recommend it to anyone, unfortunately the stretch marks remain(

Positive reviews


A real, working way to get rid of stretch marks.


Stretch marks. Many women face them. The reasons are different: childbirth, hormonal imbalance, sudden weight gain... And even if they appear, it is impossible to get rid of them with the help of a cream, in my opinion! I’ll say right away that I had small stretch marks, but even with them I couldn’t cope. I tried many different options. There were different creams, folk remedies like “mix mumiyo with cream...” and I did laser resurfacing 3 times.
Of course, there was a result from grinding, but not very noticeable. The procedure itself was painful, and it took a long time to heal. I had to apply kilograms of bipanten. But the first 2 times, I can say that I even liked the effect, the skin was a little renewed and evened out, but the 3rd time it became pigmented and darkened in the places where the polishing was done... I had to abandon this method.
I thought the whole problem couldn’t be solved. You can say that I came to terms with the presence of stretch marks, but it was like that until I changed my cosmetologist.
Turns out. Everything is very individual and resurfacing is contraindicated for my thin skin! Yes, and polishing stretch marks is already “yesterday”. I was offered an injection directly into the stretch marks - a cocktail of Q10 with silicon. The procedure is quite painful... you can do it with painkillers, but they say the effectiveness is slightly reduced... I endured it. They injected the problem area, injected the drug in small doses with micro-injections directly into the stretch marks, as if filling them from the inside. It happened that bruises and papules appeared from the injections (of course it didn’t look very good...)
I completed a course of 10 procedures with an interval of 1-2 weeks (it takes time for the bruises to go away, but there was no time for the cumulative effect of the drug to go through).
As a result, the stretch marks really went away. I honestly didn’t even believe that this was possible.


This procedure helped a lot, in this way you can get rid of your complexes over the body. So, decide on this procedure without a doubt!


The only downside that can be highlighted is the pain of the procedure itself, yes, even though areas of the skin are anesthetized, you can still feel everything! BUT it’s all tolerable, and the price isn’t exactly inspiring, one of the expensive pleasures

Good afternoon, I want to share my situation with you! From early childhood I gave my preference to sports, namely “trampoline jumping”, but this also included gymnastics, therefore, I had excellent body stretching. But time passed (7 years) and in the more adult period of my age I realized that I would no longer be able to devote so much time to sports, over time I stopped going to workouts altogether, naturally after that my big problems with stretch marks began, initially I did not notice how they appeared on my skin, but the more time I spent without sports , the more the situation with stretch marks worsened! At the moment there are many of them, they are deep, and, of course, old. I fought them with creams and massages, and injected me with drugs that supposedly rejuvenated the skin, but all attempts were in vain. After some time, I decided to undergo the “stretch mark resurfacing” procedure, which I didn’t regret at all, although it’s quite painful, it’s worth it, the stretch marks have decreased in volume, are less deep now, and most importantly less noticeable, I’m very pleased with the result, it’s really helps! Moreover, in my situation, I thought nothing would save me, but as it turned out, just endure the healing period and the procedure itself a little and everything will work out! I'm glad I decided to have this procedure. I advise everyone, the cost, of course, is not very small, but it’s worth saving up money for the sake of your beauty and your own peace of mind and self-admiration!



A little painful, but tolerable

After pregnancy, my entire stomach was covered in stretch marks, and deep ones at that, 5 months passed, I breastfed and went to have the stretch mark resurfacing procedure done with a laser. First, the surface is treated with an anesthetic. The procedure itself is quite painful, and it also smells like “burnt skin.” Large stretch marks are burned at a higher power, which means it hurts more. After the procedure, a napkin is glued to the stomach. When the anesthesia wears off, it feels like the skin is burning, but in general it’s nothing to worry about. the next day everything was covered with small crusts and my stomach became like sandpaper; there was no pain at all. 10 days have passed, the stretch marks have become a little less noticeable and not so deep, the cosmetologist said that the final result will be visible in 2-3 weeks, and for them to disappear altogether, a couple more procedures will be needed. In general, I’m happy, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, it’s not scary and there will be results


The skin is thicker and tighter!


The only downside is painful, unpleasant sensations in the first 2-3 days.

Yes, I couldn’t decide for a long time, I tried to find before and after photos, but there was little information. Therefore, I decided to record the entire result, in case it might be useful to someone. The sensations are not entirely pleasant, but can be tolerated, they did it with an anesthetic. After 2-3 days everything burned and hurt. For the next 7 days I walked around with a crust and only after 10-12 days everything went away. In short, see for yourself, but the result is not great, but I see it. First before photos. and further. )))

Like many people, I became acquainted with stretch marks during pregnancy. I’ve been using bepantol anti-stretch mark emulsion since week 20, and they have gone away. It wasn’t until the moment that my stomach began to sag; in an instant my entire stomach began to look like a cobweb(.

After giving birth, I started digging for information about how to remove this mess. Of course, at first I began to “play beauty salon” at home and make myself miracle wraps, treasures, apply oils and other heresies. I smeared several tubes of Contractubex. I bought myself a mesoscooter. But after about a year, it finally dawned on me that no matter what you put in there, everything will be to no avail! I also knew about laser resurfacing, but its cost did not allow me to use this service. And once I read that polishing can be done using a coupon. I started looking for something appropriate - a clinic, I didn’t want a beauty salon. And I found a coupon for fractional rejuvenation with a CO2 laser at the Svyatoslav Fedorov Medical Center, which cost me 3,500 rubles. Plus, I paid 600 rubles separately for the pain-relieving gel.

It was like going on a holiday.

I was immediately warned that the effect of one procedure is unlikely, at least 3 are needed.

The procedure itself, provided that an anesthetic drug was applied, was not painful; in those small places around the edges where there was no gel, a strong burning sensation was felt. I couldn't stand it all over my stomach.

The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the lesion.

It's better to wear something loose, a dress. So that the clothes do not adhere to the body later.

It is better to do the procedure in the winter season due to the prohibition of sunlight on the treated areas.

After the procedure, I was prescribed to treat the skin with Miramistin, then apply Bebantol for burns 3 times a day until the skin comes off.

On the second or third days the discomfort is terrible, there is soreness, the skin burns, you just can’t put on clothes.

Then a crust begins to form, which under no circumstances should be peeled off; it will gradually come off on its own. There will be new skin underneath, and due to this renewal, the scars will be smoothed out.

I'll show you what my stomach looked like before and after (already healed)

The stretch marks became less deep, narrowed, brightened, and the skin tightened. I will definitely repeat this procedure. I wish everyone beautiful bellies.

After the laser, I did a honey massage, it removed the sagging a little more, if there is such a problem, I advise you to take a closer look. You can read the review and photo here:

And vice versa, what you definitely don’t need to buy:

Hi all! I have been living with stretch marks for more than 8 years, their location is the outer side of the thigh, buttocks.
For a long time I didn’t dare to have a laser in Moscow, but I still set aside the time after the vacation when the tan subsided.

Tip 1. I wore an a-line skirt for the procedure so that afterward my journey home would be tolerable.

Tip 2. If you want, take a painkiller tablet before the procedure. But the procedure is not painful. I will talk about this in more detail below.

I lie down on the couch. They apply cream to the area, but not Emla. Then 20 minutes pass.

They begin to set up the laser for operation, and at this stage I feel scared).
What does laser action look like, you ask? I will think for a long time and answer - no matter what). Is it true!

The sound is like an electric discharge. It feels like it’s just hot in the area of ​​the skin where the procedure is being performed.

If you look, the small round laser head, line by line, works precisely in the area of ​​a 3 by 3 circle.
Without pain relief, of course, it’s tolerable, but after 40 minutes it’s tiring.

Tip 3. And by the way, I will have to pay for pain relief twice - the hips are considered as two zones. Ask your cosmetologist about the price - don’t be shy.
The doctor did not apply ointment to some areas, so it was uncomfortable, but it was not pain. So I give it a 2 out of 5 for pain.

Tip 4. Particularly fearful). Ask your doctor to subtly mark the areas of pain with a pen - it will be much easier for him to navigate!

Afterwards, my skin was red, as if it had been scalded, there was slight swelling, there were no bruises. They applied Panthenol-tweezer!-cling film to me and sent me home. In the evening the skin began to ache, but not much. I couldn’t bend over - minus)
Tip 5.

Do not apply anything to the skin at night, it should heal and breathe.
I was only able to sleep on my back in the soldier position without a blanket. Well, how to sleep - 4 hours of sleep). In the morning I got tired and turned on my side; after that, this side was redder than the other, that’s all. But another half hour of sleep will add up))

Tip 6. If you have to go to work, I advise you to take ointment and cling film; at lunchtime, just remove the one you applied before work and put on a new one. And your skin will breathe in the evening, as well as the rest of the night!

SO, the procedure time is 40 minutes, I’ll come again in a month. I paid 10 thousand with a discount for one procedure.
Only 2 days have passed since the procedure, so I will naturally update the review!)
I will be glad to see your comments and questions regarding the procedure)

Girls, hello!
Please tell us about your experience of laser stretch mark removal.
What is the order of procedures (number, break between procedures, duration, etc.). Did it help? What is the estimated cost? Where did they do it?
If there are any other points that I missed, please describe.
I have stretch marks on my hips, butt and sides. Appeared when I was 13 years old (now I’m 24). I want to do all this now so that by summer I will be without them. experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Prokopenko Elena Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

You can’t remove these anymore, the laser will only remove fresh ones!

I asked only those who know for sure to answer! keep your assumptions to yourself, be kind.

Actually, guest 1 is right. Author, at least google it first, and only then show your stupidity

Stubborn stretch marks will not be removed, just burn the money

I want to say that Prof Fraxel is complete crap. If the stretch marks are ancient, it will not help. I tried to remove an old scar on my face with it - no effect. It is better to do this with a regular laser. laser resurfacing

Related topics

Well, why is it a mess? They took me away. Is laser resurfacing after which the skin becomes covered with crusts? Is this how you removed stretch marks? I doubt they took a risk, for the scar yes, for stretch marks no. Fraxel helps, just do it with good specialists and follow the recommendations

Well, why is it a mess? They took me away. Is laser resurfacing after which the skin becomes covered with crusts? Is this how you removed stretch marks? I doubt they took a risk, for the scar yes, for stretch marks no. Fraxel helps, just do it with good specialists and follow the recommendations

12. Ekaterina, and I’m doing it now, I’ve only done two, but there’s already an effect! I didn’t dare for a long time - I thought it wouldn’t help, but I did it because my figure is good and I want to wear open swimsuits and short tops. and stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth. I also liked the doctors’ approach, it was very pleasant. So Author, try it, it should help;)

thanks for the answers, girls))
I hope someone else will post...

Nanoperforation helped me remove stretch marks on my stomach - after pregnancy they remained and were of a large area


. I suffered for a long time in search of funds, I also started with the gym - but to no avail. I found information on the Internet about laser nanoperforation. I did it at Lineline, everything was just superrrrr - it didn’t hurt at all and was safe (without complications). and the doctors are good, they told me everything. I had 4 procedures with an interval of 1 month between them, the recovery period after the procedure was 2-3 days, which was short. This is how I removed the stretch marks. So, I advise you to check it yourself


Well, why is it a mess? They took me away. Is laser resurfacing after which the skin becomes covered with crusts? Is this how you removed stretch marks? I doubt they took a risk, for the scar yes, for stretch marks no. Fraxel helps, just do it with good specialists and follow the recommendations
guest, where were you doing? tell me, please))) in general, in Petrovka Beauty Fraxel 140 rubles for 1cm^2 and you also had a guest on promotions, let’s say they write 10 square centimeters there)) I thought so too, but in fact 10 cm^2 is 10X1, and 10X10 is already 100 cm square) or am I understanding something wrong? Sorry for the stupid question, I’m going to try it myself, I can’t decide, I’m afraid it will hurt (

It fights skin defects very well and does not require rehabilitation at all. I have very small stretch marks, I didn’t resort to laser. But I saw results on others. Simply amazing!!)

Your text
Ekaterina, how old were your stretch marks?

Nanoperforation helped me remove stretch marks on my stomach - after pregnancy they remained and were of a large area


. I suffered for a long time in search of funds, I also started with the gym - but to no avail. I found information on the Internet about laser nanoperforation. I did it at Lineline, everything was just superrrrr - it didn’t hurt at all and was safe (without complications). and the doctors are good, they told me everything. I had 4 procedures with an interval of 1 month between them, the recovery period after the procedure was 2-3 days, which was short. This is how I removed the stretch marks. So, I advise you to check it yourself


Nanoperforation helped me remove stretch marks on my stomach - after pregnancy they remained and were of a large area


. I suffered for a long time in search of funds, I also started with the gym - but to no avail. I found information on the Internet about laser nanoperforation. I did it at Lineline, everything was just superrrrr - it didn’t hurt at all and was safe (without complications). and the doctors are good, they told me everything. I had 4 procedures with an interval of 1 month between them, the recovery period after the procedure was 2-3 days, which was short. This is how I removed the stretch marks. So, I advise you to check it yourself


What Linline is your text in? It’s just that the reviews about Minsk are not at all flattering. A friend of mine had polishing done there. 4 procedures. The stretch marks are still there, but they are old, but her skin has tightened and sagging. She says that fresh ones are better removed.

I won’t answer your questions in detail, but a friend recently removed stretch marks with Fraxel at the “Beauty Clinic” on Mira Avenue, here is the price list, I took them from her for my needs. HARDWARE REJUVENATION METHODS

I have a question. Has anyone heard about the "Aesthetic" medical center in Belgorod, and what can you say about it? I'm very interested because... I’m there now trying to remove stretch marks on my stomach after giving birth. They are doing carboxylation to me (they inject them with some kind of gas that promotes their fusion). The stretch marks are not even a year old. Has anyone already tried the same thing on themselves, if so, write what it is like result, thank you.

I removed it on my chest using lineline, they made it less noticeable, it’s almost invisible, I wear a neckline and don’t worry about it now. The course consisted of 5 procedures with an interval of a month!

I gave birth two years ago. Are these old stretch marks, or are they still considered new? Is there any point in doing laser resurfacing? What do you recommend?

I gave birth two years ago. Are these old stretch marks, or are they still considered new? Is there any point in doing laser resurfacing? What do you recommend?

I did 3 nanoperforation procedures and 3 courses of biorevitalization at the Linline clinic. I don’t see any effect yet ((They say that you need to do at least 5 procedures. I don’t even know if it’s worth continuing. (stretch marks on the sides of the abdomen)

Anya, do you have wide stretch marks? Haven't they even become thinner? I'm shocked! Girls, I'm from St. Petersburg. Today at LinLine I had nanoperfaration done for stretch marks on the stomach and hips. The doctor's name is Svetlana, very nice and friendly. I paid 8 thousand rubles because the volume fit into one zone. The procedure is tolerated and lasts 30 minutes for this volume of zones. Now everything is burning terribly. I apply Bepanthen. I’ll write about the result in a month, I hope it will happen and I’ll decide on a second procedure in June, although Svetlana advises doing an interval of 2 months, and not a month, as they usually write in advertising. If you have questions, write, I’ll be happy to answer!

Some are wide, some are thin. They didn’t become thinner, as they say, where there is striae (atrophy), the skin should renew itself in this place. For me, it was and remains so. I'll go again on May 15th. It’s a pity if the money is wasted, I thought that all the procedures are equal to one abdominoplasty, but going under the knife is somehow scary.
In lineline they told me that with Fraxel the result is already after the first procedure, and with their laser it takes a long time. I think I might try Fraxel.

Anya, why go for the 6th procedure if the result is 0. Are you from St. Petersburg? How much do you pay for the procedure? Today is my second day after the procedure, the entire area is already covered with a crust and I also don’t see the result yet, but is it really possible that after so many procedures even the skin has not tightened? I definitely won’t go for a second procedure if after this the result is zero. I'll write back in a couple of weeks.

I did nanoperforation to remove stretch marks on my stomach after childbirth and tighten the skin, otherwise it had become flabby. I really doubted it - would it help? But after the first procedure I saw the result - the skin became really pleasant, more elastic. And after the 3rd stretch, they became very slightly noticeable. I am pleased)))

I went through two sessions of nanoperforation on stretch marks, it’s almost invisible on the stomach, the result is super!!

MeryNN where did you have it done, in which clinic and on what day after the first procedure the result became noticeable. If it's no secret, how old are you and how old are your stretch marks? I did nanoperfaration on 02.05 and of course it’s too early to talk about the result, but after reading the reviews here that even after the 6th procedure the result was zero, I’m waiting with horror to see if it will work in my case. Alana, can you also answer my questions for MeryNN? Thanks in advance, girls!

I’m from Moscow, I did nanoperforation 3 times, but I need at least 5. Nanoperforation -10530, injections about 6000. After the first time there will definitely be no result, they themselves say so. Well, since I started, I’ll finish it, but I won’t do biorevitalization.

Girls, I see results after the first procedure! The stretch marks actually got thinner! Do you think it’s worth repeating after 28 days or does the doctor advise waiting 2 months before the second procedure? Anya, what do you think?

I did it at intervals of 1.5 months as the doctor said.

please tell me, in which clinic is it better to do nanoperforation?? and what is it?? My bracelets are already 10 years old and what will help me??

As far as I know, nanoperforation is performed in only one clinic, and this is “Linline”.

How much does nanoperforation cost? And Fraxel removal?

and on the chest you can remove stretch marks in this way immediately after childbirth.

Even in "Milano" on Griboyedov Canal they do nanoperforation)

Nanoperforation helped me remove stretch marks on my stomach - after pregnancy they remained and were of a large area


. I suffered for a long time in search of funds, I also started with the gym - but to no avail. I found information on the Internet about laser nanoperforation. I did it at Lineline, everything was just superrrrr - it didn’t hurt at all and was safe (without complications). and the doctors are good, they told me everything. I had 4 procedures with an interval of 1 month between them, the recovery period after the procedure was 2-3 days, which was short. This is how I removed the stretch marks. So, I advise you to check it yourself


How much money did one procedure cost?

How much does it cost in Lipetsk? At least approximately

Girls, please tell me if anyone knows from your friends or if you did it yourself!! about stretch mark removal in MINSK!! where is the best place to go and what really helps! and where is it cheaper?) stretch marks are 8-10 years old! I’m 22 now, I was very plump as a child, now I’ve lost weight and want to get rid of stretch marks, but I don’t want to try all the clinics one by one (

I am 17 years old, I gave birth to a child, and my stomach does not go away and there are strong stretch marks, the child is 7 months old. tell me what to do.

I want to say that Prof Fraxel is complete crap. If the stretch marks are ancient, it will not help. I tried to remove an old scar on my face with it - no effect. It is better to do this with a regular laser. laser resurfacing

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Throughout her life, every woman’s body goes through certain periods - hormonal surges, weight gain and sudden loss, etc. Unfortunately, very often our skin reacts to these factors in its own way, namely by the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.

Recently, cosmetic clinics and salons have been full of advertisements for various ways to get rid of stretch marks on the skin: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, numerous miracle creams, masks, wraps. but still the most common and effective of all is precisely laser stretch mark removal.

What are stretch marks and why do they appear?

As you know, collagen and elastin fibers help our body remain elastic and smooth. Due to long-term (weight gain during pregnancy, intense sports training, steroid use) or, on the contrary, sudden (rapid weight loss, hormonal surges in adolescence) effects on the skin, ruptures occur in these fibers. The tear sites are replaced by strips of scar tissue, which we call stretch marks.

Conventionally, stretch marks can be divided into “old”, which are over one and a half years old, and “fresh” - no more than six months (they have a red or purple tint). Fresh stretch marks are the easiest to correct and eliminate, but long-standing stretch marks can only be made less noticeable.


Modern methods of laser removal of stretch marks on the skin

The following methods for removing stretch marks are used today:

Laser peeling:

This is the most gentle way to get rid of stretch marks. In this case, a neodymium laser is used, which, without damaging the top layer of skin at all, penetrates deep into the stretch marks, softens them from the inside and warms them up. Thanks to this, the production of collagen and elastin is activated and stretch marks are replaced by new skin. Unfortunately, the method is effective only for “fresh” stretch marks.

Laser resurfacing:

A less gentle method than laser peeling. Used for old stretch marks. The essence of the method is that under the influence of the beam, damaged areas of the skin are injured, due to which the work of fibroblasts is activated, promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

Removing stretch marks using laser resurfacing is carried out using 2 methods:

  1. full laser resurfacing – the entire top layer of skin is damaged by evaporating moisture from the dermis, and the work of connective tissue is activated at the site of exposure;
  2. fractional photothermolysis - a laser beam penetrates through microchannels with a diameter of 0.1 mm deep into the stretch marks, destroying them from the inside and simultaneously stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, without damaging the areas adjacent to healthy skin.

When polishing stretch marks, carbon dioxide and erbium lasers are used. The latter is considered safer, since it acts on unhealthy cells so quickly that neighboring healthy ones do not have time to be damaged. Moreover, only an erbium laser is allowed to remove stretch marks on the chest.

The rehabilitation period after complete laser resurfacing ranges from 4 to 12 days. For the first few days, patients are concerned about swelling, redness and soreness of the skin, but then these symptoms disappear. In addition, during this period it is necessary to take antiviral drugs.

Technique of the procedure

Removal of stretch marks using laser resurfacing uses classical technology:

  1. An anesthetic cream is applied to the desired areas of the skin or the patient is subjected to general anesthesia;
  2. There is a direct effect on the striae of the laser beam.

If the client, for various reasons, does not want to undergo the procedure with anesthesia, cosmetologists offer a session with the Polomar laser, the head of which greatly cools the skin, thereby eliminating pain. In addition, a session of getting rid of stretch marks with this device will take only 30-50 minutes, when with conventional fractional thermolysis it takes up to 2 hours.

For 2 weeks after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, visit the solarium, sauna and swimming pool; you must use wound-healing ointments and creams recommended by the cosmetologist.

Who can have stretch marks removed with laser and who can’t?

The main indication for the procedure is the presence of stretch marks and the patient’s desire to get rid of them.

Contraindications are almost identical for all cosmetic procedures using a laser:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. diabetes;
  3. heart disease and hypertension;
  4. malignant diseases;
  5. herpes and other infectious diseases during exacerbation;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. endocrine disorders;
  8. varicose veins in the stretch area;
  9. tendency to form keloid scars;
  10. inflammation at the site of exposure;
  11. allergic reactions;
  12. chemical peeling less than 2 weeks before the procedure.


How many procedures are needed and what is their cost?

In order to achieve visible results when removing stretch marks with a laser, you need to undergo an average of 3-6 procedures for fresh stretch marks and 6-12 with a break of 1-2 months for outdated ones.

The cost of getting rid of stretch marks depends on their area, the type of laser used, the prestige of the salon or clinic and starts (for an area of ​​10x10 cm 2) from:

  1. 1200 hryvnia – Ukraine (Kyiv); 800 hryvnia – Ukraine (regions) for one procedure;
  2. 3500 – 16000 rubles – Russia (Moscow); 2000 – 14000 rubles – Russia (regions).

Patient reviews

Reviews about the procedure are mixed. Mostly, clients who removed fresh stretch marks after pregnancy and childbirth are completely satisfied with the results.

Patients note that the advantage of this method is that, in addition to reducing stretch marks, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated, no special preparation or hospital stay is required. In some cases, women consider the main disadvantages of the procedure to be its low efficiency and high cost.

Here are excerpts from some reviews:

«I can’t say that after 6 sessions the stretch marks were no longer visible, but they acquired the color of the adjacent skin, the relief has not yet disappeared. There is no point in doing 1-2 procedures, unless their brightness goes away».

“Five procedures were not enough for me to eliminate ten-year-old stretch marks; they became less visible. Elastic skin, renewed as a result of resurfacing using fractional photothermolysis, began to hide these defects.”

“In my case, the laser did not cope with old stretch marks at all! Money wasted!”

Possible side effects

The main complications of laser correction of stretch marks include:

  1. exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially viral ones;
  2. hyperpigmentation (stretch marks may become even more noticeable);
  3. increased skin sensitivity.

As you can see, laser stretch mark removal – the procedure is responsible, so the choice of clinic and doctor must be careful, and the decision to undergo it must be balanced!

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