Causes of acne all over the body

Acne all over the body, the causes of which can be very diverse, causes a lot of trouble not only for teenagers, but also for adults. In this case, the affected area can be not only the face, but also the torso, and even the feet. Usually they accumulate in a certain place, which indicates certain diseases of the internal organs. If you notice clusters of rashes on your body, go to the hospital immediately. Only a correct diagnosis can guarantee successful treatment. Usually the doctor prescribes certain medications and recommends undergoing a set of cosmetic procedures.

Acne all over the body: causes

There are many reasons why rashes appear on the body. Let's look at the most popular and common:

  1. Heredity. Very often, parents with acne pass this deficiency on to their offspring.
  2. Problems with hormones. Very often, a hormonal imbalance leads to the formation of acne not only in teenagers, but also in adults. If we talk about young people, then acne is just a signal from the body that it is being rebuilt and sex hormones are produced in very large quantities. Juvenile acne goes away immediately after hormonal levels are restored. But if gynecological or endocrine diseases are observed, then the rash will be present until you get rid of your problems.
  3. Diseases of internal organs. Very often, acne on the body is evidence that your digestive system is not working properly. However, there are cases of damage to other internal organs.
  4. Oily skin. If you have this type of skin, then a very large number of pathogenic microorganisms multiply on your epidermis. To eliminate them, you cannot do without regular hygiene and cosmetic procedures.
  5. Poor nutrition. Try to reduce your consumption of fatty, fried and spicy foods. And you yourself will notice how the number of rashes on your body will significantly decrease.
  6. Pimples all over the body, the causes of which may be hidden under reduced immunity, very often worry not only teenagers, but also mature adults. If your body is weakened, bacteria will develop not only inside the body, but also on its surface.
  7. Using bad and inappropriate cosmetics. Use only those creams and other care products that are ideal for your skin type. This is especially true for oily skin. Look at the composition of the product, as well as its expiration date.
  8. Medicines. The use of many medications can cause pimples to appear on all parts of the body. Antibiotics have a particularly bad effect.
  9. Stress and nervous tension are very common causes of rashes. It is stress that reduces the level of immunity and causes harmful bacteria to accumulate on the surface of the skin.
  10. Demodex mite. If your sebaceous glands are malfunctioning, then most likely a parasite such as demodex has settled on your body. It is he who provokes a large number of inflammations on the skin.

Rash on the back and chest

Pimples all over the body, the causes of which depend on pathologies and diseases, worry many people. What to do in cases where rashes appear on the chest and back? In fact, this problem is quite easy to get rid of.


Pay attention to the clothes you wear. Synthetic fabric does not allow moisture to pass through and does not allow the skin to breathe. When wearing such things for a long period of time, bacteria multiply on the body, which causes rashes.

You may be allergic to materials and dyes. In any case, try to wear natural fabrics. Find out which factories sew products using natural dyes.

If you wear clothes that are very tight to your body, then this can also cause acne to appear on your body. Reasons for this: irritation and excessive sweating.


Excessive exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on the delicate skin in the chest area. This is what causes the rash.

Another reason is long hair. They completely cover the back and do not allow it to breathe.

Rash on hands

Due to an unbalanced diet, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle, acne may appear on the hands. Most often, this phenomenon occurs as a result of a deficiency of some vitamin or mineral. However, it is impossible to determine for yourself what exactly is missing. Be sure to go to the hospital and undergo a thorough diagnosis.

Rash on the stomach

Pimples on the body (causes, treatment should only be determined by the attending physician) are most often the result of a certain disease. Pay special attention to rashes on the abdomen. In this case, acne can appear not only in an adult, but also in a child.


Heat rash is a fairly common occurrence. Very common in babies due to prolonged wearing of diapers. It also occurs due to high temperatures and high humidity.

Measles is a dangerous disease that is contagious. It is characterized by a rash that appears all over the body, as well as a high fever.

Chickenpox is a disease most often found in children. But it can also appear in adults. Characterized by pimples with light contents. To eliminate them, you need to use antiseptic drugs.

Rash on legs

The reasons for the appearance of acne on the body can be very diverse. In any case, they cannot be ignored. After all, they are the result of some disease or problem. Very often, a rash on the legs can appear after shaving, as well as from exposure to cold.


Overweight people may develop acne between their thighs. This happens as a result of the legs rubbing against each other. In this case, you need to choose the right clothes and adjust your diet.

If you notice a rash on your feet, immediately go to a dermatologist. Such a syndrome will not lead to anything good. In any case, take care of your hygiene and choose the right shoes, clothes and cosmetics.

Diseases of the feet

Acne on the body (reasons, photos can be seen in this article) can be the result of serious disorders in the body. This is especially true for the feet, because they lack sebaceous glands. Such symptoms will signal dangerous diseases such as eczema, dyshidrosis and itchy dermatitis. Pimples and blisters may form on the skin and, when opened, release a clear liquid.

Purulent acne on the body: causes

Most often, purulent acne appears on the body, back, shoulders and chest. However, such formations can also form on other areas of the skin. Very often they are a consequence of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Another cause is hyperkeratosis. That is, the dermis thickens and the sebaceous glands become overcrowded. And this leads to the formation of acne.


Another reason is the use of antibiotics, especially in cases of long-term use and large dosages. You need to be especially careful when taking steroids.

Acne can appear during hormonal changes in the body, as well as during menstruation.

Pay attention to the cosmetics you use. Preparations with a large number of chemicals lead to the formation of purulent acne. The same applies to low-quality decorative cosmetics.

How to get rid of purulent acne

Of course, you need to visit a dermatologist who can conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe further treatment.


You should not squeeze out the pus, as you may cause an infection. Use iodine. Just apply it directly to the area of ​​inflammation. Do this procedure every day until the inflammation completely disappears. In this case, you will protect yourself from the formation of scars. Aloe juice and medicinal ointments help well.


Purulent acne on the body, the causes and treatment of which can be very different, requires special attention. In addition to eliminating the cause itself, you need to take care of the foci of inflammation. Wipe your face with herbal infusions. You can use calendula or chamomile. Dermatologists recommend using “Zinerit”, “Levomekol” and “Skinoren”. Each of these drugs will do a great job with purulent acne and make your skin clean and beautiful.


Don't forget to take care of your hygiene and proper nutrition. Such simple rules can save you from many problems. Start doing this right now, and no skin problems will bother you anymore.

Rashes on the back and chest cause a person no less inconvenience and suffering than on the face. And the fact that acne is not so visible on these parts of the body does not become an advantage. Acne does not allow you to live life to the fullest: going to the beach in a swimsuit, wearing dresses with a neckline or an open back.

Getting rid of this problem is not so easy, but still, it is quite possible. You just need to adhere to some principles of treatment and follow the instructions of the doctors.

What it is

Acne (or, as they are commonly called, acne) is a chronic disease that occurs in the form of inflammation of the sebaceous glands. This disease occurs due to blockage and high levels of subcutaneous sebum production.

Only mammals, which are humans, have sebaceous glands. The activity of these glands is aimed at producing a special secretion - sebum. At its core, it is a mixture of different fats, the role of which is to prevent the occurrence of dry skin.

Sebaceous fats should make the skin elastic and protect the human body from infections and bacteria. No less important is the participation of this secretion in the thermoregulation of the skin.

The production of sebaceous secretions increases when the level of androgens (male sex hormones) increases and decreases under the influence of estrogens (female sex hormones).


Acne develops based on 4 mechanisms:

  1. The sebaceous glands produce too much sebaceous secretion.
  2. The stratum corneum is too thick (hyperkeratosis).
  3. Some bacteria live on human skin that affect the microflora of the skin. If their activity is impaired, then acne may also appear.
  4. Acne appears as a result of an inflammatory process.

Due to the fact that too much secretion is produced, the glands become enlarged, which leads to enlargement of the pores on the skin.

The horny scales of the skin thicken and slough off faster than usual. This leads to clogging of the ducts and clogging. Sebum does not find a way out and continues to increase the size of the sebaceous gland.

A large amount of gland accumulates in the glands, which leads to the proliferation of the bacterium Propionobacterium acne. In normal quantities this bacterium is not dangerous, but during very rapid reproduction it causes an inflammatory process.

A gland filled with sebum is called a comedon. If it does not come to the surface, then the color of the secretion remains white and the blackheads will also be white. If the comedone reaches the surface of the skin, it mixes with melanin. This gives the secretion a black color, which leads to blackheads.

Causes of acne on the body

Acne most often affects parts of the body such as the back, shoulders, neck or chest. They can sometimes be found in the groin and buttocks, but very rarely on the legs.

Based on the cause of acne, they are divided into endogenous and exogenous. The former are formed due to internal reasons, the latter – due to external ones.

Endogenous acne occurs due to various types of hormonal changes (most often a hormonal surge in teenagers). An important role is also played by the hereditary reaction to changes in the body associated with increased production of male hormones (can be produced in both men and women).

The most common cause of acne in adults is seborrhea. They can also occur due to infectious or chronic diseases. Acne often occurs on a woman's chin or around her mouth.

The exogenous type of acne spreads for the following reasons:

  1. substances that have a comedogenic effect enter the skin (cause blockage of the sebaceous glands and make the top layer of skin thicker);
  2. using a large amount of oily cosmetics;
  3. if the skin is exposed to tight clothing or constant friction for a long time (this causes blockage of the glands);
  4. after athletes take anabolic steroids or other steroids.

Mechanical acne occurs in most cases as a result of wearing a tight headdress for a long time, contact of bed linen in bedridden patients (especially if they have excessive sweating), or wearing a plaster cast for a long time.

Which doctor should I contact?

Very often, the fight against coals is unsuccessful, because it is not the disease itself that needs to be overcome, but the cause of its occurrence.

You should turn to dermatologists for help. They strictly prohibit masking acne with foundation or other cosmetics. Such actions further affect the blockage of the glands and only worsen the condition of the skin.

You can begin to remove acne only after eliminating the cause of the disease. To do this, you can use one of many methods. Before you start using any product, you should consult your doctor. This is necessary so that the medicine does not further harm the skin.

All about the treatment of globular acne. More details here.

Treatment method

Treatment methods for this disease depend entirely on the stage and severity of the disease.


  1. mild degree – no more than 10 manifestations of the disease can be found on the skin, no inflammatory processes are observed;
  2. middle stage – about 10-40 open and closed acne can be found on the body;
  3. heavy – there are more than 40 acne on the skin, the presence of an inflammatory process is observed, the acne is usually purulent.

At the first stage, you should take medications for external treatment: ointments, creams, gels, etc., which contain substances that prevent comedones from spreading further. Such products are aimed at destroying comedones, as well as reducing the amount of sebum formed and reducing inflammation.

The disease of moderate and severe stages is characterized by the use of complex therapy with external agents and drugs for oral administration. In the most severe cases, antibiotics cannot be avoided. If the occurrence of acne is associated with hormonal problems, then you will need to use hormonal agents.

The use of antibiotics for acne has a positive effect. These drugs have antibacterial properties, and this makes it possible to reduce the amount of fat by 2 times. Even in the most severe and advanced cases, they help (almost flawlessly) cure the disease and alleviate its symptoms.

Antibacterial drugs that can be used for acne include:

  1. Clindamycin.
  2. Tetracycline.
  3. Lincomycin, etc.

The course of treatment with these drugs is about 3 months. Along with them, doctors can prescribe ointments or gels.

Contraceptives for the treatment of acne can be used as additional means. But doing this is effective only if the cause of acne is a hormonal imbalance. In all other cases, such drugs will be useless.

Most often, hormonal imbalances cause acne in adolescents, pregnant women and during menstruation. Contraceptives act in such a way that they reduce the amount of male sex hormones in the weaker half of humanity.

The top five hormonal contraceptives include:

Reducing androgen levels leads to the production of less sebum and improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Today, topical retinoids are considered the most effective substances in the fight against acne. They tend to bind retinoic acid and activate its receptors.

Such drugs help relieve inflammation, promote wound healing, and model human immunity. In addition, they also have a regeneration effect, during which a large amount of collagen is produced.

If the disease has not yet started and appears only in the first or second stage, then you can try to treat it with folk remedies.

One of the simplest and most effective methods is the use of salicylic acid. Every evening before going to bed, you should wipe your face with this drug. Over time, the acne will begin to dry out, which will lead to the disappearance of acne.

The use of salt baths is also a good remedy. To do this, pour half a pack of coarse salt (preferably sea salt) into the bath. After washing, you should not rinse in clean water. If itching occurs after this procedure, it is not suitable for this skin type.

Taking herbal baths is no less effective. You can use horsetail or string. To do this, you need to brew a strong infusion from this herb and pour it into the bathroom.

Sometimes, in addition to drug treatment, it is worth using diets. Dishes high in cholesterol lead to increased levels of sebaceous enzyme production.

Diet for acne consists of proper healthy eating. You should avoid unhealthy foods, especially those that contain large amounts of cholesterol. Therefore, you will need to avoid overeating sweets, as well as fried and smoked foods. The only exception is units.

Skin care

Problem skin requires much more care than healthy skin. This process occurs in several stages. But the main thing to remember is that squeezing pimples is strictly prohibited.

The first step in skin care is cleansing. Be sure to cleanse your face at least 2 times a day. The most effective substances will be preparations containing boric alcohol. Regular tar oil is suitable for this.

After cleansing, the skin must be moisturized (even if it is quite oily). After washing, the top layer of sebum “dries out” and the skin becomes very dry. You can use special creams for this.

The third stage will be skin nutrition. To do this, apply nourishing masks to the skin. They can be purchased at a cosmetic store or made yourself using available products.

Acne can affect not only the face, but the entire body. At the same time, they concentrate in a certain place, which may indicate a certain pathology with internal organs. Only an experienced specialist can detect the cause of the disease, who will only need to examine the patient. Only after this the compiled treatment will give a positive result. In addition to taking prescribed medications, you will also need to carry out a set of cosmetic measures.

Reasons why acne occurs on the face and body

Rashes on different areas of the body can form for various reasons. Let's consider only the most common:

  1. Hereditary factor. When parents had such problems in their youth, it is not at all surprising that their child experiences them himself. Heredity is one of the causes of shoulder acne.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. Active production of hormones can be observed in both adolescents and adults. If we consider the first option, then in young people, acne on the body serves as symptoms of a restructuring of the body, as a result of which the production of sex hormones occurs intensified. This activity leads to activation of the skin glands. Youth formations on the body go away on their own as soon as adolescence ends. If the patient has endocrine or gynecological diseases that disrupt metabolism, then acne on the body is a common occurrence. Pimples on the neck in women appear as a result of hormonal imbalance.
  3. Pathologies of internal organs. In this state of affairs, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is negatively affected. As a result, acne appears on women's temples, on the face and even on the body. In most cases, acne on the body indicates impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Oily skin type. Active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms occurs on the oily epidermis. To eliminate them, it is necessary to use the necessary cosmetics and regularly perform hygiene procedures.
  5. Unbalanced diet. If you like fried, spicy, fatty foods, then acne on your body should not come as a surprise.
  6. Weak immunity. If the body's defenses are weakened, then it is very difficult for it to fight infection. As a result, microorganisms begin to actively reproduce in the body and on the surface of the epidermis.
  7. Use of low-quality cosmetics. Very often, acne on the body is the result of using inappropriate cosmetics. Before buying a body scrub or cream, study its composition and expiration date.
  8. Taking medications. Certain medications, especially antibiotics, cause such unpleasant symptoms as acne on the torso, arms and legs.
  9. Nervous overstrain. This is also a very common reason for the formation of a rash on the body. It is stress that contributes to a decrease in immunity, due to which bacteria can easily enter the body and exert their influence.
  10. Ticks. If the functioning of the sebaceous glands is impaired, then the demodex mite, which many people have on their bodies, provokes the development of the inflammatory process.

On the back and chest

If this area of ​​the body is strewn with acne, then it is necessary to determine the underlying factor in time. Of course, acne does not occur in this area as often as on the face, but even in this case there is a risk of developing a dangerous disease.

Let's consider the common causes of this pathology:

  1. Wearing synthetic clothing. This fabric does not allow the skin to breathe and does not allow moisture to pass through. With prolonged wear, bacteria accumulate on the body, which leads to the development of acne. Here you can read how to treat acne on the back of women.
  2. Allergic reaction to materialswhich were used for making clothes. Rough material, as well as dyes used in the manufacture of clothing, can cause irritation. Also read how to treat back acne in men.
  3. Uncomfortable clothes if the material fits very tightly to the body, this can cause irritation and the formation of acne.
  4. Negative effects of sunlight. UV rays activate the sebaceous glands and also have a detrimental effect on the delicate epidermis of the breast, resulting in a rash.
  5. Long curls. Such hair covers the back and does not allow it to breathe normally.

You can learn more about the causes of acne on the back and shoulders here.

Diseases that are characterized by a rash on the hands

If vitamins and microelements are in insufficient quantities in the body, this leads to the development of dysbiosis, which, in turn, manifests itself in a rash on the hands. You won't be able to solve the problem with your own efforts. Only an experienced specialist can determine which vitamin is missing and prescribe effective treatment after a thorough diagnosis has been completed.

Here you can see a photo of white pimples on the face.

On the soles of my feet

In this area of ​​the body, not ordinary acne occurs, since there are no sebaceous glands on the feet, for this reason the rash may indicate the formation of a certain epidermal disease:

  1. Dyshidrotic eczema. The formation of this disease is influenced by contact of the skin with irritating components. This form of eczema occurs upon contact with soap, powder, and household chemicals. Bubbles form on the feet, which, when opened, release a clear liquid. This disease can occur with a rise in body temperature.
  2. Dyshidrosis. This disease forms in the warm season and is presented in the form of a small red rash on the soles of the feet.
  3. Pruritic dermatitis. The presented pathology is characterized by redness of the skin and the formation of watery pimples, accompanied by itching. Often this disease occurs after taking antibacterial drugs, and also results from contact of the skin of the feet with household chemicals.

On the stomach

If you or your child have been diagnosed with rashes in the abdominal area, the reason for their formation may lie in the following diseases:

  1. Prickly heat. It occurs in a child from the first days of life. It is characterized by red spots over the entire surface of the abdomen. The disease can be caused by wearing a diaper for a long time, as a result of which the baby’s skin does not breathe, and this leads to the formation of foci of inflammation. Hot weather or high humidity in the house can also cause prickly heat.
  2. Measles is a disease of infectious origin, which is characterized by high contagiousness. The rash with this disease sometimes leads to a rise in temperature, and after three days the pimples enlarge, merge with each other and form one large spot.
  3. Chickenpox is a disease that is characterized by damage not only to the abdominal area, but also to the entire body. It mainly affects children, but the occurrence of the disease in an adult cannot be ruled out. Chickenpox is characterized by pimples with light contents. The disease is very easily tolerated, and antiseptics are used to eliminate the rash.
  4. Scabies - This is a disease the formation of which is influenced by the scabies mite. It lives in the interdigital folds and on the abdomen. With this disease, pimples are small, red and cause terrible itching in a person. To eliminate the disease, the patient is prescribed effective medications that remove the tick. Also, the house should be completely disinfected by treating furniture, bedding and other elements.
  5. Allergy. If an allergen affects the body, then after a while pimples appear on the skin, which are red and extremely itchy.
  6. Molluscum contagiosum is a disease of viral origin. It is not as widespread as the others, but it is also characterized by the formation of acne. The most important part of the body for mollusks is the neck and stomach. Pimples with illness are light in color, and when pressed, white contents are released.

Rash on other parts

Very often, acne can form in the most unexpected areas of our body. These can be limbs or mucous membranes. In this case, the following common reasons can be identified:

  1. Acne on the buttocks and legs can occur due to exposure to cold. Pimples on the inner thighs occur mainly in overweight people, as there is constant rubbing of the legs against each other. If the rash appears on the feet, then this is a sure sign of a dermatological disease. To eliminate all these pathologies, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, choose the right outfits, cosmetics and shoes.
  2. When acne occurs on the ears it can be argued that the pathology was provoked by factors such as cold or prolonged wearing of headphones. It is forbidden to squeeze such pimples, otherwise the infection may go directly to the brain. Only an experienced specialist can remove a boil. After this, be sure to treat the affected area with alcohol or iodine.
  3. Rash on tongue It can be caused by thrush, stomatitis, herpes, or a tongue injury caused by a tooth bite.

Diseases that cause inflammation of acne

The rash on the back can be presented in the form of one pimple or they are concentrated in large numbers. Often the cause of this pathology is dirt, clogged pores, and colds. But sometimes such rashes carry a great danger, as they indicate a certain disease.

These include the following:

  1. Allergy to toxins, medications or cleaning products. As a result, pimples form after scratching and infection.
  2. Impetigo – a disease of infectious origin, the formation of which is influenced by streptococci or staphylococci. Sometimes two types can cause the disease. The disease is very contagious, so after detecting the first manifestations you need to go to the doctor.
  3. Dermatophytosis is a pathological process characterized by fungal infection of the skin. The formation of the disease is influenced by the pathogens Trichophyton, Microsporum and Ep >

The video talks about the possible causes of acne all over the body:

Acne on the body can be just as dangerous as on the face. The causes of such a pathology may indicate the presence of a serious disease that needs to be treated immediately. If you determine in time the reason why acne appears and prescribe adequate treatment, then you will be able to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms in a short time.