Baby facial care

Whatever aspect you touch on, you can always say about newborns that they are not a smaller copy of an adult, which means that their body functions according to its own laws. This even applies to the skin. The skin of a newborn baby has its own characteristics, which sometimes cause anxiety in young parents. The baby's skin is delicate and prone to irritation, so it requires special attention. In order to avoid problems and inflammatory processes, it is necessary to carefully care for it. When a child has clean skin, no diaper rash, no rashes, the newborn feels comfortable, sleeps well, does not worry and is not capricious.


Skin Features

When the baby is born, its skin is covered with a layer of cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant acts as a barrier, because in the mother’s tummy the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. In the old days, this lubricant was washed off immediately after birth, but now it is believed that it should be absorbed into the skin.

When the issue with lubrication on the skin is leveled out, the mother may notice that the baby’s skin is too red. This is completely normal. Firstly, In the blood of a newborn baby, red blood cells are contained in increased quantities. Secondly, The layer of subcutaneous fat in the baby is still very poorly developed, which means that the blood vessels are very close to the skin and are clearly visible. In addition to the red tint, a vascular pattern may simply appear on the skin.

Poor development of the subcutaneous fat layer “rewards” the baby’s skin with another feature. Newborn babies easily become hypothermic and freeze. At the same time, a “marble” pattern appears on the skin.


All mothers note that the skin of a newborn baby is very soft and velvety to the touch. The infant fluff of lanugo, which covers the shoulders, back, and sometimes the baby’s hips, gives the skin a special velvety quality. However, already on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby’s skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Thus, adaptation of the skin to the air environment after the water environment is manifested. The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established, so the skin is deprived of a protective lipid film that helps retain moisture. Most often, the skin of the extremities peels: palms and heels.

You can often notice various rashes on the skin of a newborn. Small white dots that resemble pimples are milia, sebaceous cysts. They are completely safe, appear in the process of establishing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and disappear without a trace without any intervention. Red, inflamed pimples, sometimes called “blooms,” are the result of hormonal changes. After physical separation from the mother’s body, the baby’s body begins to produce its own hormones, which naturally affects the external condition of the skin.

It turns out that most anxiety symptoms are completely normal for a newborn baby. The older your toddler gets, the more his skin becomes similar to the skin of an adult, both in appearance and in the way it functions.

Skin care rules

  1. To avoid damaging the baby’s delicate skin, an adult’s nails should be cut short and filed;
  2. If an adult has any sores on his hands (eg boils, nail fungus, sore hangnails), then it is better to entrust the care of the child to a healthy person;
  3. It is not recommended to overuse hygiene products: use baby soap without allergenic fragrances, use water-based baby cream (see what creams are there);
  4. Use only high-quality children's cosmetics.

We recommend: Video guide. After childbirth. Caring for a newborn:

Every morning, after the baby wakes up, he must be washed with boiled water.

It is more convenient to carry out morning care on the changing table, since the necessary items will be stably placed on it. The water temperature in the first days is 36-37⁰C, gradually it can be reduced and brought to room temperature (25⁰C).


  1. We start by treating the eyes: using a cotton ball soaked in boiled water, wipe the eye with smooth movements without pressure from the outer corner to the inner one. For each eye we use an individual cotton ball.
  2. Wipe the outside of the nose with a damp cotton ball. The inside of the nostrils is cleaned with a cotton swab, making rotational movements. The flagellum is pre-moistened with boiled water.
  3. We treat the ears with a cotton wool flagellum, removing wax from the skin of the external auditory canal. It is not worth pushing the flagellum deeper, since the wax is not removed, but is pushed inside the ear canal. It is enough to clean your ears 2 times a week.
  4. Wipe the face and behind the ears with a cotton ball.
  5. The umbilical wound should be treated 2 times a day with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then with brilliant green (details about correct processing).
  6. After each bowel movement, the baby must be washed with warm running water.


A baby up to 6 months old needs to be bathed daily and washed after each bowel movement. In addition, the baby needs to have air baths, which will help not only harden the child, but also avoid diaper rash, prickly heat and other skin problems. See article on daily care

Common truths:

  1. uhod-za-licom-rebenka-LDbNppH.webp

    Bathing the child until the umbilical wound heals is carried out in boiled water with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. The water should be heated to body temperature or slightly higher (36-37⁰C). Soap cannot be used every day; it is enough to wash the head 2-3 times a week. Decoctions of various herbs can be periodically added to the water. After each bathing, the umbilical wound is treated until it heals. How to bathe a child correctly.
  2. Washing the baby is carried out under running water. The child lies on the mother's arm with his tummy up. The head is placed on the elbow of the mother’s arm, the buttock is on the palm, and the baby’s leg must be secured with the thumb near the hip joint. All movements are directed from the genitals to the gluteal fold. If the child pooped, then use soap. This procedure must be carried out after each bowel movement, and after 2-3 urinations. This care will help avoid diaper rash in the groin folds and buttocks.
  3. Using powder and creams after washing keep the baby's skin dry and protect it from the irritating effects of urine.
  4. Air baths. The baby is placed on a changing table, completely undressed and given the opportunity to move his arms and legs freely. It is better to increase the duration of the procedure gradually from 1-2 minutes to 5-10 minutes. as the child grows (how to do air baths).

Let's see how to bathe, how to wash, how to care for the umbilical wound, how to do air baths:



Treatment of the umbilical wound:

Air baths:

After you have bathed your child, apply baby cream to the perineum and groin folds. Because The creams contain castor oil, glycerin, and beeswax, which softens and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from all kinds of microbes. Immediately after bathing, it is necessary to treat the baby's skin with cosmetic oil for newborns, lotion or powder.


Most often, parents are frightened by the appearance of crusts on the scalp of the baby (seborrheic crusts). This is not a disease, it is easy to fight. Before each bathing, the crusts are lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream, and during bathing they are wiped with a sterile gauze cloth. Movements should be light without pressure, strong friction will lead to the appearance of wounds. (We read about crusts on the head)

  1. Prickly heat. If there is prickly heat on the child’s body, then you simply need to prevent overheating, avoiding overly warm clothes. At an early stage, normal hygiene for a newborn baby is quite enough. While bathing, you can add chamomile infusion or a decoction of oak bark to the water - More about prickly heat (about treatment);
  2. Diaper rash. When diaper rash occurs, special attention is paid to skin care after each trip to the toilet. Let the baby’s skin “breathe” more often (the same air baths that were described above), diapers and diapers must be changed every few hours. After changing diapers, the child must be washed with running water, or, in extreme cases, wiped with baby sanitary napkins - More about diaper rash;
  3. Proper hygiene from the start! We read a large article about organizing proper hygiene for a child from birth.

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Important rules for caring for baby's skin

It is very important to properly care for your child’s skin from early childhood. After all, it is at this time that the foundation of her health and beauty is laid for life.

Children's skin is several times thinner than the skin of an adult; it is finally formed only by the age of 12. The skin of babies contains a large percentage of water, it has almost no acidic protective layer of its own, and it is still difficult for it to independently resist external influences: harmful bacteria, infections and other irritants. Therefore, delicate, sensitive and capricious skin requires increased attention and care. Any friction - washcloth, diaper, diaper - can cause irritation. Clothing containing artificial fibers can also cause itching, prickly heat and cause discomfort to the baby.

Skin matures over the years, but while your baby is growing and developing, it needs special care, and therefore special products designed to take into account the differences in children's skin. Remember, healthy skin for a baby is not only a feeling of comfort, but also the main barrier to the penetration of germs.

There are several important rules for caring for your baby's skin:

1. Change disposable diapers correctly.

Disposable diapers have revolutionized baby care. Mountains of wet diapers are a thing of the past. But to ensure real comfort for your baby, you need to take care of your skin. She is especially susceptible to irritation and redness under a diaper. Even if the diapers are of very good quality, wearing one diaper during the day should not exceed 3 hours. But at night, if the child sleeps peacefully, this time can be extended to 8-10 hours.

You should not put a new diaper on your child immediately after removing the old one. The child needs to take an air bath for 10-15 minutes, and the skin should be dry.

Before each diaper change, the baby must be washed under warm running water, and the girl should be washed from front to back to avoid infection. This can be done using baby cream soap.

If it is not possible to wash your child, use cleansing wet wipes. And if your baby has skin prone to dryness, your first assistant is the “Eared Nyan” cleansing cream wipes.

Before putting on a diaper, it is necessary, in order to avoid diaper rash and irritation, to treat the baby’s bottom and groin area with a special baby protective cream for diapers.

2. Don't forget to nourish and moisturize baby's skin.

Due to the weak function of the sebaceous glands, the surface of the baby’s skin is drier than that of adults, and therefore needs additional nutrition and hydration. Light moisturizing creams are quickly absorbed without leaving an oily sheen, maintaining the natural moisture of the skin and softening it. These creams can be used throughout the day to make your baby's skin soft and smooth. But it is especially necessary to use them to replenish moisture loss after taking water procedures, as well as during the hot season.

Nourishing creams are designed to protect and nourish the skin of babies. They are based on mineral and natural oils. Mineral oil remains on the surface of the skin, covering it with a thin film and thus providing protection. Natural - penetrates deep into the skin, providing an additional caring effect (nutrition, moisturizing, softening, etc.).


Easily vulnerable children's skin is prone to inflammation and redness. To restore the skin and provide protection, use children's anti-inflammatory cream "Eared Nannies". It promotes rapid healing and regeneration of the skin thanks to the optimal combination of mineral and natural oils.

Carefully monitor the condition of your baby's skin, prevent the occurrence of irritation and inflammation. If they are not prevented, serious consequences can occur. Remember that a child’s skin is an indicator of his internal state: if the body does not accept something from food, then a skin reaction (redness, pimples) will immediately tell you that it is better not to introduce this component into the diet. In the same way, allergic reactions occur to a variety of things: dust, pollen, animal hair, and a possible reaction to unsuitable cosmetics.

Pay special attention to protecting baby's skin from wind and sun.

3. Remember, cleanliness is the key to health.

Most children enjoy bathing; warm water calms them down and helps them fall asleep. Children should be bathed at the same time every day; best before feeding. Do not bathe your baby if he has a fever or has pustular skin diseases (dermatologists do not recommend water procedures in such cases).

Wash the bath thoroughly before use, then pour water into it. The air temperature in the bathing room should be 22-24C. The optimal water temperature is 36-37C. You can add medicinal substances to the water (starch for eczema, sea salt for rickets, pine extract for functional disorders of the nervous system, chamomile or calendula for allergic dermatitis) or special children's bubble bath.

It is very important to immerse your baby in the bath correctly. With your left hand you need to grasp the child’s left armpit, the back of the head and head in this case rest on your shoulder; We support the baby from below with our right hand. After immersion in water, be sure to support the child’s head and torso with your left hand and forearm. The water level should not cover the upper chest. The duration of bathing ranges from 3 to 15 minutes. Using your right hand, use gentle circular movements to alternately soap the baby’s head, neck, armpits, arms, chest, belly and legs, and rinse the soaped areas immediately. For washing, use a special children's gel. At the end of washing, the child must be rinsed with clean water. While rinsing, cover his head with your hand to prevent water from getting into his eyes.

When washing your child's hair, pay attention to the condition of the scalp. If you notice crusts of milk scab, be sure to remove them. To do this, 2 hours before the evening bath, thickly lubricate the baby's head with baby oil, and when the crusts soften, remove them using a fine-toothed comb. After this, wash your baby's hair with baby shampoo.

To simplify the procedure of washing your baby, you can use a universal bathing product from head to toe. It performs 2 functions at once - it cleanses both the body and the head well. In the complex of baby hygiene, caring for the nose, ears and nails plays an important role. To regularly clean the nose, use a tightly rolled cotton wool moistened with baby oil. Using gentle rotating movements, insert it into the nasal passage to a depth of 1.5-2 cm and remove accumulated secretions from the nose. If there is too much mucus, use a nasal aspirator.

Your baby's ears should be cleaned after bathing. To do this, it is better to use cotton swabs with a limiter. In this case, only the auricle should be cleaned, without going deeper into the ear canal.

Don't forget about your baby's nails. Be prepared for the fact that in children they grow very quickly and require regular haircuts. Use small scissors for this. It is better if they have blunt ends. Some people find it convenient to use baby nail clippers. It is more convenient to cut nails when the baby is sleeping, but be careful. To avoid touching the skin, squeeze the pads of your fingers.

4. Choose the right children's cosmetics (soap, shampoo, cream, etc.).

The acidity of the skin of babies is different from the acidity of the skin of adults, so adult cosmetics are not suitable for children.

For example, when choosing shampoo for your baby, remember that the fluff that replaces newborn hair in the first months of life, and the hairs that replace it, are much thinner and weaker than the hair of an adult. And the emerging top layer of the scalp is still very delicate and vulnerable. Therefore, baby shampoo should be pH-neutral, it should not wash away the natural protective layer, not dry out the skin, rinse off well and not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Also note that not all products intended for children can be used on newborns. A baby's skin is very thin and sensitive, so to care for it it is better to use creams and cleansers designed specifically for newborns.

In addition to tactile sensations, smells have a great influence on the child. Harsh synthetic perfumes irritate babies. They are more accustomed to natural, subtle aromas.

When using a new brand of soap, shampoo, or cream for the first time, try them on a small area of ​​your body. If redness appears in the area after a while, do not use these cosmetics.

5. Pay special attention to caring for your baby’s clothes and linen.


Since the skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive to external irritants, special attention should be paid to children's clothing and dishes. In the first months of life, babies still have a very imperfect immune system, and with improper care there is a high risk of allergic reactions even in an initially healthy child, so it is better to take care of the baby’s health and work a little.

You should start with what the baby is in constant contact with - clothes and dishes. Both get dirty quickly and often. And it cannot always be returned to its original state simply by thoroughly rinsing in hot water. But you cannot use ordinary detergents, since they all have a complex chemical composition, the components of which are aggressive and can provoke allergic reactions. Until now, many parents continue to believe that it is better to wash children's clothes with baby soap. But still, this is far from the best way to remove various contaminants. And mom doesn’t always have an extra hour and a half to hand wash the accumulated children’s clothes.

Modern developments by detergent manufacturers allow mothers to save time and effort on washing without risking the child’s health. In addition, basic washing rules must be followed.

  1. Children's clothes must be washed separately from their parents' clothes.
  2. Underwear for babies up to three months must be washed at a temperature of 90ºC, which replaces boiling.
  3. Children's underwear needs to be rinsed twice as thoroughly.
  4. For washing, you must use only special children's products: washing powders, conditioners, stain removers.
  5. It is important to follow the instructions on the packaging.

And it’s best if these are products from the “Eared Nannies” series. After all, they all passed special tests, and this is proof of their hypoallergenicity. All of them are designed for washing newborn clothes. The "Eared Nanny" washing powder does not contain soap, so it is easy to completely rinse out of the fabric, which eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions. Air conditioners "Eared Nannies" give clothes softness, facilitate the ironing process, and remove static electricity. The "Eared Nanny" stain remover is especially effective at removing stains from fruits, tea, grass, chocolate, oil and specific children's stains.

Do not forget.

  1. Apply moisturizer to particularly dry areas of the skin at least twice a day.
  2. Carefully examine the area behind the ears and folds of skin (elbows, knees, groins): there may be redness or peeling.
  3. Every time you change a diaper, protect your skin with a special diaper cream.
  4. Carefully choose children's cosmetics, paying attention to the manufacturer, the composition of the cosmetic product, and the expiration date.
  5. Use only products that are intended for children and have been dermatologically tested.

Based on materials from the Nevskaya Cosmetics website

The skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and sensitive, it requires special, gentle care. In order to protect your baby from skin problems, you need to follow some recommendations.

Baby skin care tips

  1. A newborn baby should be bathed every day until he is six months old, after which the number of baths can be reduced to once or twice a week.
  2. After each bowel movement, you need to wash the baby's bottom with warm water and soap.
  3. It is recommended to use high-quality cosmetics from a trusted manufacturer for your child’s skin.
  4. The person who bathes the baby and cares for his skin must himself be absolutely healthy. It is unacceptable to entrust the care of a child to a person who has any skin diseases - fungus, boils, warts, etc.

How to properly wash a newborn baby

The baby needs to be washed every morning. For washing, it is better to use boiled water, which should be warm (30-36 degrees). If your baby has a special changing table or changing board, you can use them for hygiene procedures.

  1. The first thing you need to do is wipe your child's eyes. The safest and easiest way to do this is with a small piece of cotton wool. It is necessary to moisten it with warm boiled water and gently wipe the child’s eye - from the outer corner to the inner. Then, taking a second, clean piece of cotton wool, do the same actions with the second eye.
  2. You should also use damp cotton wool to wipe the outside of the baby’s nose. To clean the inside of your baby's nose, you can use cotton swabs. They also need to be moistened with warm water. You need to clean the baby's nostrils with rotating movements; this should be done very carefully so as not to damage the baby's nose.
  3. It is enough to clean an infant's ears two to three times a week. To clean children's ears, you can again use a cotton swab, or a homemade cotton wool flagellum. You need to clean the ears very carefully, without pushing the cotton swab into the ear canal too deeply, so as not to cause pain to the child or damage the ear.
  4. The child's face can be wiped either with a piece of cotton wool moistened with warm water or with a soft, damp sponge. In the same way, it is recommended to wipe the baby’s neck and the skin area behind the ears.
  5. Since the umbilical wound of a newborn baby has not yet healed, it should be given special attention. The wound should be treated two to three times a day. For faster healing, it is recommended to first treat the navel with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, and then with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green).
  6. Considering that almost all parents now practice using disposable diapers for their newborn babies, the baby pees in the diaper at night. At the same time, the baby’s skin almost does not breathe, and is in close contact with secretions all night. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the diaper after waking up and thoroughly wash the baby’s genitals and butt with warm water without soap. After which it is necessary to let the baby be without a diaper, providing his skin with the opportunity to breathe.
  1. In addition to morning hygiene procedures, it is necessary to bathe the baby thoroughly every day. For bathing, you should use a soft sponge, as the skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and very easy to damage.
  2. Until the baby's umbilical wound has healed, he can only be bathed in boiled water, to which a solution of potassium permanganate must be added.
  3. You can bathe your child only in a warm room (25-26 degrees). The easiest way to check the water temperature is with your elbow - the water should not be too hot. You can check the water temperature with a special water thermometer; it should show 37 degrees.
  4. It is better to use a special baby bath for bathing your child. Some baby baths have a special device - a support for the baby's neck and head. This option is very convenient, since the mother has both hands free. However, if such a stand is not available, then you can support the baby’s neck and head with one hand, and bathe the baby with your free hand.
  5. It is not recommended to use soap or shampoo every day. It is enough to wash your child with soap twice a week. It is also not necessary to wash your baby’s hair every day – once or twice a week is enough. For bathing, it is better to use regular baby soap (solid) - unlike liquid soap, it contains a minimal amount of perfume compositions that can cause skin irritation.
  6. To prevent diaper rash and various rashes on the baby’s skin, you can add decoctions of various medicinal herbs (celandine, string, chamomile) to the bathing water, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  7. You should not drag out the bathing process for too long. In the future, when the baby grows up, it will be possible to increase the duration of bathing to 20-25 minutes, but for now, five to six minutes will be enough for the child.
  8. After completing the bathing procedure, you need to dry the baby well with a soft towel. It is most convenient to do this on a changing table, since after wiping, a whole range of procedures will follow. First, you should clean your child's ears using a cotton swab or cotton swab. Also, after each bathing it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound.
  9. The baby's skin needs to be moisturized after bathing. To moisturize, you need to use baby cream. After completing all the proper procedures, the baby should put on a diaper and clothes.

Skin problems

Almost every newborn baby has some kind of skin problem. There is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to figure out how to fix a specific problem, and then it won’t last too long. First of all, from birth it is necessary to pay due attention to maintaining the baby’s hygiene, as a result of which many diseases can be avoided. The most common skin problems in babies are:

This is an absolutely normal phenomenon and is not a reason to panic. This crust appears on a child’s hair. It is quite easy to remove it, but it must be done gradually. Before bathing your child, you should lubricate such a crust with Vaseline oil, which will help soften it. And during bathing, the already softened crust can be easily removed with a soft sponge and soap. You cannot remove the dry crust from the baby’s head - firstly, it will hurt the baby, and secondly, this will lead to the formation of wounds.

As a rule, diaper rash in a baby is the result of poor personal hygiene. Diaper rash occurs if the child is rarely bathed, is not washed after each toilet, and diapers are not changed on time. Thus, first you need to identify the reasons. Diapers should be changed every five hours. Before putting on a diaper, you need to moisturize the baby's skin with baby cream or petroleum jelly (if the skin is prone to excessive dryness) or treat it with powder (if the baby's skin needs to be dried).

Heat rash in babies occurs due to excessive overheating of the skin. Therefore, doctors advise against excessively wrapping the baby. On the contrary, it is necessary to provide the child with air baths as often as possible (at least 3-4 hours a day). To prevent and treat prickly heat, it is recommended to add chamomile decoction to the water when bathing your baby, which has a calming effect.

Thus, by following the recommendations of doctors and properly caring for the skin of a newborn baby, you can minimize the likelihood of problems with the baby’s skin!

Newborn skin care (video)