Caring for a man's hands

It’s no secret that people greet people by their clothes, but see them off... But in our case, it would be more appropriate to replace the word “clothing” with “appearance.” An important attribute of every man’s appearance is not only an ironed shirt and polished shoes, but also the condition of his hands, including his nails. This is a kind of resume for each representative of the stronger sex. Nails can tell much more about the owner than his entire appearance.

Therefore, if you are trying to make a good impression, then the following information will be very helpful. After all, in this article you will learn how to properly care for your hands, and what manicure manipulations need to be performed to make your nails look well-groomed, neat and, most importantly, healthy.

The main aspects of men's manicure

Unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger sex know what parts a nail consists of. Therefore, before moving directly to care, it is worth recalling the structure of the nail:

  1. the most important part is the nail plate, it has a convex shape and is located above the nail bed;

Every man is simply obliged to take care of the health and beauty of his nails. Therefore, in addition to a hammer and nails, he must have an important attribute of personal hygiene - a manicure set.

So, what should be included in an individual kit:

  1. Scissors for trimming the overgrown part of the nail.
  2. Scissors for removing cuticles.
  3. Nippers for removing skin around the nail plate.
  4. The file is used to correct the nail.
  5. A manicure spatula helps push back the cuticle for further removal. The tool can also be used to clean dirt from the area of ​​the free edge of the nail plate.

It is very important to carry out manicure manipulations with sharp objects. If they become dull, then the procedure will not only be ineffective, but also very painful. It is also important to disinfect all tools in the manicure set. And you need to do this before and after the manicure.

To make your nails look well-groomed and attractive, you need to do the following:

  1. First of all, wash your hands with soap.
  2. To make nail trimming easier, pre-steam your hands in hot water.
  3. Use scissors to cut off the area of ​​the nail plate protruding above the finger in a semicircle. But don’t get carried away, leave 0.5 mm of the regrown nail - this way you will prevent deformation of the nail bed and smile line.
  4. Using a manicure file, give the nail the desired shape.

Professional manicure

Modern men have recently very often used the services of beauty salons. Professional manicure has become a familiar procedure for them. Moreover, today masters especially for men will offer several types of manicure manipulations to choose from:

  1. solar;
  2. hardware;
  3. hot;
  4. classical;
  5. French;
  6. European.

When choosing a manicure, the shape of the fingertip is taken into account, since it is very important that the nail follows its shape.

In addition to manicures, the salon can also offer you hand care procedures: peeling, massage, baths.

But not all men can afford frequent visits to beauty salons, so every member of the stronger sex should have manicure tools on hand to do all the necessary manipulations at home.

And remember that well-groomed and neat hands are not only a sign of attractiveness, but also an aspect of your health.

Popular wisdom says that a first impression cannot be made twice. Following a long-standing tradition, greetings with a handshake are often practiced when meeting. This etiquette norm encourages communication and attracts attention. People are pleased to see a man who takes care of his hands.

Unfortunately, men rarely take care of their appearance and do not pay due attention to seemingly obvious details. Regular visits to the salon to get a manicure are not a priority for the stronger sex. Meanwhile, it is men’s hands that any woman will pay attention to when meeting him. Often we observe the opposite picture - absolute neglect of hands and nails.

This condition is partly explained by heavy physical work, contact with abrasive and chemical substances. Even ladies do not always manage to maintain impeccable beauty in such situations. Fungus poses an additional danger. It is easy to pick up through tactile contact, using someone else's shoes, socks, gloves, visiting public baths, swimming pools. Suspicions can be refuted by taking tissue samples at a medical facility. There, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe an adequate course of treatment. Don’t worry, today there are a sufficient number of effective medications and home treatments, such as vinegar or iodine.

How a man can have well-groomed hands

Any problem can be fixed. Once you are sure that there are no diseases, you can begin to solve cosmetic problems. When hands are well-groomed, it is easy to restore healthy beauty to them, even after hard work. From childhood, every person knows about the importance of cleanliness and how useful it is to wash your face systematically. With age, there is no time to carry out basic instructions. Hands constantly face difficult tests with aggressive substances, frost, and dryness. Dirt is washed off less easily, and the appearance inexorably deteriorates. Softness is gradually lost, the skin on the hands begins to look gray and dull.

According to most, a man's hands should look rough so that it is noticeable how serious the physical labor is. Those who care about beauty are considered lazy sissies or may be suspected of having a non-traditional sexual orientation. Fashion trends and current tips on caring for men’s hands have not yet taken root widely in our area. Even if everyday work does not allow you to keep your hands shiny and clean all the time, basic rules will keep your skin in good condition. The results of care are visible at first glance, while the lack of hygiene is evident even earlier.

To neutralize the harm from natural activities, you must not neglect protection. Try to follow the tips listed below to keep your hands well-groomed.

  1. Wearing gloves will protect against scratches and other damage. If the option of using mittens is not possible (you are dealing with small parts that are difficult to pick up), then a professional protective cream will help save your hands.
  2. Modern creams not only provide a reliable barrier, but are also completely invisible to others. They are quickly absorbed, odorless, and provide additional skin care. The product is applied immediately before starting dirty work. For example, in the garden or car repair.
  3. After harmful effects, unpleasant darkening of the skin of the hands becomes noticeable, but the temptation to scrub them with hard brushes must be resisted. Rough scrubbing will make the situation worse and cause additional damage. Applying something greasy (margarine, butter) to the skin helps. Rub the product onto contaminated areas of your hand, then rinse with warm water and soap.
  4. To clean your nails, you do not need to use objects that are not suitable for this purpose. If you accidentally scratch the surface of the nail from the inside, it will be quite difficult to remove the blackness from there later.
  5. When the skin is so neglected that the stains cannot be washed off, hand washing helps. Prolonged contact with washing powder and liquid removes almost any stubborn stain. This procedure is quite aggressive, so it is used in extreme cases.
  6. Creams for men's hands are best used on a regular basis, and not just in emergency cases. True beauty comes from hydration. If your skin is dry, make it a habit to apply a moisturizing mask every night before bed. Don't be afraid of the discomfort of the sticky consistency.
  7. When smoking, a man's fingers become covered with a yellow coating that cannot be removed by any means. In this case, regular lemon zest helps. Lemon juice removes stains from skin of any complexity, even from tobacco.

After some time, it will become noticeable that your hands have become straighter, smoother, and the painful sensations have disappeared. Your self-esteem will increase, and aesthetic perfection will give you a feeling of superiority.

I hope that it’s no secret to anyone that a man’s hands are not just a business card, but a whole resume. Not a single ironed shirt and patent leather shoes will tell more about a man than his hands, and mainly his nails.

Want to make a good impression? Forget about wire cutters on your keychain! Your hands need care, so you need to know how to care for a man’s nails.

In this article, I propose to consider some aspects of men's manicure, get acquainted with special tools and simple rules that will help you better care for your nails.

Manicure basics for men

So that we can analyze the manicure process in detail and in the same language as you, let’s name the main parts of the nail:

  1. The nail plate is the visible part of the nail that is located on the nail bed.
  2. The free edge of the nail is the part of the nail plate that protrudes above the edge of the finger.
  3. The smile line is the natural line between the free edge of the nail and the attachment point of the nail bed.
  4. The cuticle is the rim of skin that surrounds the nail plate at the bottom of the nail.


A man's home arsenal should include more than just a drill and a hammer. A personal manicure set includes the same personal hygiene products as a toothbrush, comb and razor. Therefore, in our article I will give the minimum composition of a men’s manicure set. An important feature of owning this kit is its mandatory disinfection before and after the procedure.

  1. Manicure scissors for nails. Used to trim nails
  2. Manicure scissors for cuticles. Used to trim cuticles and hangnails.
  3. Nail clippers. Used to trim the skin around nails
  4. Pedicure nippers. Used to trim toenails.
  5. Sandpaper or glass file.
  6. Scraper, or manicure spatula. Designed to work with the cuticle (the leather rim that frames the nail plate). It is used when it is necessary to push back the overgrown cuticle to prevent the occurrence of painful hangnails, and can also be used to clean the free edge of the nail from dirt.


For manicure tools, their sharpness is important. Dull tools are not only useless, but also make manicure a painful and very unpleasant procedure.

How to take care of a man's nails

Step 1. Wash your hands thoroughly in warm water and soap.

Advice: a man’s nail is quite thick and to make it easier to trim the free edge of the nail, I advise you to slightly steam your hands in hot water.

Step 2. Trim the free edge with nail scissors in a semicircle, parallel to the smile line of your nail. You should not cut your nails “to zero”, along the natural smile line, always leave half a millimeter of the free edge of the nail, the soft edge of the fingertip will tear the skin away from the nail, thereby the nail bed will decrease and your smile line will move further and further from the edge of the finger. You will end up with completely unsightly looking hands.

Step 3. Using a nail file, adjust the shape of the nail. To do this, use the abrasive side of the file to make frequent movements left and right along the edge of the nail, giving it a rounded shape.

Step 4. Working with the cuticle. For this procedure, there is a rule: the cuticle must be softened. To do this, we either soak our hands in hot water (10 minutes) to steam the skin, or use a special gel to soften the cuticle.

We take a manicure spatula at an angle to the cuticle, apply light pressure and move the skin towards the beginning of the nail. We remove the remaining fragments of dead skin and hangnails with manicure cuticle scissors or cuticle nippers. The main thing is to be careful and not to overdo it, so as not to damage the skin or cut the hangnails too deeply. Otherwise, you will only damage the skin, which will cause pain, cuts and bleeding.

Step 5. Apply hand cream. The cream perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.


In conclusion

Neat, clean and well-groomed nails are an important aspect of personal hygiene, health and your attractiveness. It is important to regularly care for your nails and cuticles, as well as promptly remove dirt, hangnails and dead skin. Men's manicure is the key not only to your presentability, but also to the health of your hands.