Dry Skin Care

Dry skin care

Dry skin needs regular moisturizing and nutrition. A natural herbal lotion with milk is perfect for daily cleansing of dry skin.

Herbal lotion with milk

This lotion is an excellent cleanser and is used to wash dry skin in the morning before applying your day cream. Instead of sage, you can use linden (1:20), hawthorn (1:10), plantain leaves (1:10) and yarrow (1:15).

2 teaspoons sage
2.5 glasses of milk

Mode of application:
Pour boiling milk over the sage, stir well, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another 30 minutes. Leave for about half an hour, strain.

Action: cleanses and tones the skin.

Frequency of use: daily.

Shelf life: 3 days in the refrigerator.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Application time: 5 minutes.

Regular use of a natural lotion will help cleanse and moisturize dry skin, leaving it healthier and more radiant.