
Ulnarny is a special beauty salon that provides a wide range of services. The clinic has first-class specialists who offer a variety of skin and hair care procedures, including professional nail lamination, hair biolamination, skincare treatments and much more.

There is an ulnar salon in every city. But the best way to visit it is in the studio salons. They independently train specialists and provide ongoing support. As a result, the studio can control the quality of procedures and provide guarantees for them. Thanks to this, the brand becomes more recognizable.

Services related to housework such as cleaning and laundry are also widely advertised. Such services are popular, because the life of a modern person is completely subordinated to work. You need to clean not only during vacation or time off, but even if you’re just busy. For this, it is better to choose short one-hour cleaning sessions. In this case, the masters can take the client home and clean the house. It's also convenient.

Another important point that any service largely concerns is the price of the service. The price of ulnar services, like any other business, is influenced by many factors. However, there are several factors that are of paramount importance when setting prices: