Ultraviolet Radiation Lamp

An ultraviolet light (UVC) lamp is a device that emits ultraviolet rays used in medicine and industry for disinfection and sterilization, as well as in scientific research.
UFL is a glass or metal tube filled with mercury and argon vapor. When the lamp is turned on, mercury vapor begins to emit ultraviolet rays.

Mercury-quartz lamps are the most common sources of UV rays. They consist of quartz glass filled with mercury vapor and have high radiation efficiency. Mercury lamps can be powered by AC power or batteries.

UFL is used in medical institutions to sterilize instruments, equipment and premises. It is also used in the food industry for food disinfection.

In scientific research, ultraviolet radiation is used to study the structure of materials and biological objects, as well as to create special photosensitive materials.

However, it must be remembered that prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can be hazardous to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to observe safety precautions when working with UFL and use special protective glasses and masks.

An ultraviolet lamp is a special type of lamp that is used to achieve various purposes in the fields of medicine, science and industry. These lamps emit ultraviolet radiation, which is highly active and can affect living organisms. In medicine, ultraviolet radiation lamps are used to treat various diseases. For example, they are used in physiotherapy, in the treatment of skin infections, rheumatism and much more. An ultraviolet light lamp helps remove bacteria from the surface of the skin, hair and mucous membranes. This promotes the wound healing process and reduces the risk of complications, which is important for people suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes or allergies. Among scientific research, the most popular ultraviolet lamp is used as a source of cold fusion, when hydrogen, helium and oxygen combine into one molecule. This process allows