
Why should you separate? First, let's figure out what the umbilical cord is. This is an embryonic organ in humans and animals that connects the body of mother and child. The fetus is supplied with blood through the umbilical cord: blood enters its vessels from the placenta. The baby also receives nutrients from the mother through the umbilical cord. Maternal blood, in turn, is filtered and purified to provide life support to both organisms during embryogenesis. **Only viviparous mammals** have an umbilical cord, such as humans and other primates (except lemurs), skunk and proboscis monkey. In oviparous and ovoviviparous birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, mollusks and flatworms, such an important connection is not observed. Thus, man is distinguished from all other primates because earlier than others he separated from nature and now lives outside natural conditions, and for this he received the opportunity to develop more comprehensively. Not only thanks to intelligence, but also to scientific and technical technologies. After all, the connection with nature and natural conditions in this case becomes weaker. It turns out that in order to develop a wider range of abilities, it was initially necessary to separate from nature. In the 7th century AD this process ended in a natural way: the gradual spread among civilization of people who were already sufficiently developed intellectually. And we began to rely more on our thinking abilities - be it logic, puzzle solving or abstract thinking. And natural knowledge, such as medicine, gradually ceased to exist exclusively within the framework of religious philosophy, but became practical skills available to students in various fields of knowledge.