
The drug Unilok is a beta1-adrenergic blocking selective drug. In its structure, this medicine is an analogue of the drug Atenolol, which is part of the group of beta-blockers. Beta blockers have a normalizing effect on metabolic processes and help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.

The action of Atenolone has a mild effect on the central nervous system and reduces the content of nervous adrenaline in it, protects against the influence of stressful conditions. The effect of the drug makes it possible to relieve muscle tension, which helps improve the quality of sleep. First of all, Atenolone has an effect on the treatment of the following pathological processes: * Arterial hypertension. * Tachycardia. * Bronchial asthma.

The drug is recommended for use if the patient is diagnosed with coronary heart disease, as well as complex arrhythmic syndromes. After studying the instructions for use of this medical pharmaceutical product, it is important to remember that the drug can only be used in consultation with a qualified specialist. It is always necessary to start therapy with minimal doses, increasing the dosage if necessary. Sale in pharmacies without a prescription is allowed.