
Fluctuation is a person’s increased sensitivity to a decrease in ambient temperature, which is a symptom of a heat exchange disorder. It can manifest itself in the form of severe cold and shivering, and this sensation in some cases is so sharp and unpleasant that the person simply cannot bear it. When the ambient temperature decreases, the body begins to expend more heat to keep warm, and this leads to a decrease in body temperature. In such cases, doctors recommend that people drink hot drinks, dress warmly, or use other ways to maintain body temperature at the desired level.

Swelling can also appear as a symptom of fever, when the body temperature rises above normal. This condition can be caused by various reasons including infections, diseases, medications, etc. In this case, as a rule, the person feels unwell and may complain of headache, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms. If this condition continues for a long time, it can lead to serious health consequences.

In addition, people's increased sensitivity to low ambient temperatures may be related to the general health and physical condition of the person.

Unsteadiness is the increased sensitivity of the body to changes in the temperature regime of the environment. Unsteadiness is increased sensitivity (a symptom of impaired thermoregulation), characteristic of some people with the initial signs of fever. A more general formulation of the same disorder is cold allergy. It consists in the increased sensitivity of the human body to cold air and low temperatures, including on the street, the cause of which is the abnormal excitability of the corresponding parts of the central nervous system. When diagnosing (usually based on skin tests), glucagon or insulin is used, increasing the concentration of which in the patient’s blood it is possible to reduce the increased sensitivity of the central regulatory circuit of the body’s thermoregulatory center. Treatment consists of using sedative medications as prescribed by an endocrinologist.