Upsarin Upsa

Upsarin upsarm. Acetaminepyradine. Pharmachologic effect. An anti-inflammatory agent due to its effect on the metabolism of arachidonic acid and an increase in the synthesis of prostacyclin (PGI 2). Synonyms Upsarina. Anopin, Anoprim, Apoacyl, Escan, Ascorpion-forte, Aspitain, Oskalin, Clinol, Usparin, Lorpenekal, Teratran. Indications for the drug Upsarin-UPSA Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including rheumatic diseases and osteoarthritis), febrile periods of infectious diseases. Cold. Headache and toothache. As well as rheumatogenous pain and pain of unknown etiology.