Ureteral Implantation According to Nesbit

Ureteral implantation according to Nesbit (nephrostomy implantation): how is the procedure performed?

In medicine, implantation of the ureteric passages is performed for complex infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. Innovative technologies are used for a successful procedure. A highly qualified surgeon plays an important role in this process. Carrying out transplantation using the Nesbit method has not only therapeutic but also preventive purposes. This procedure is performed even on healthy patients in order to prevent the development of pyelonephritis and chronic kidney infection. It is worth noting that restoration of the ureters in malignant tumors is possible only in the initial stages. Advanced forms require tumor removal and radical nephrectomy. In case of purulent inflammation, surgery is performed urgently. Kidney failure as a result of impaired urine flow is also a reason for surgery.