
A ureteroileostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening between the bladder and ileum. This surgery may be performed for a variety of reasons, such as to treat a urinary tract obstruction or to remove stones from the bladder.

The ureteroileostomy procedure involves creating an opening in the bladder and ileum. A tube is then placed through this opening to connect the bladder to the ileum, allowing urine to leave the bladder and enter the ileum.

After surgery, the patient should visit the doctor regularly to monitor the condition and check the tube. It is also necessary to monitor your diet and lifestyle to prevent the recurrence of bladder stones.

Ureteroilostomy is an effective treatment for obstructive urinary tract diseases and removal of bladder stones, but it can also have some side effects such as infection, bleeding and tissue damage. Therefore, before carrying out the operation, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all the risks and benefits of this method.


External urethro-ileostomy is used to remove urine from the bladder through a catheter. The operation is done to help a patient who cannot stand for a long time without emptying the bladder. First of all, this applies to cancer patients: the bladder is surgically removed. In the overall picture of medicine, this operation is extremely rare; it is performed by only a few clinics and clinics in the country.

Why is this operation needed?

Surgery will be required if the results of other treatment methods are insufficient. A urostomy is also indicated after coagulation of tumors on the bladder. After the procedure, the patient can live a full life, only he will need a catheter to drain urine. Most often, the operation takes place along with chemotherapy or after it to supply urine into the urethral canal. After surgery there is a chance of recovery. The life of a retired woman has become fulfilling. But she was able to endure the operation well, the main thing was the desire to live.