Ureteroscope (Ureteroscore)


Ureteroscope (Ureteroscore) is a flexible or rigid instrument that is inserted into the ureter and renal pelvis. Usually, before inserting the ursteroscope, the ureter must be slightly dilated. Most often, this instrument is used to determine the location of the stone in the ureter and its safe removal using forceps while directly observing the progress of the operation. Large stones can be crushed using ultrasound or an electrohydraulic probe used in lithotripsy; instruments for crushing stones are brought to the desired location through the ureteroscope.

Ureteroscopy is a method of diagnosing and treating the urinary tract, which allows you to see and examine the ureters, bladder and kidneys. Ureteroscopy is performed using a ureteroscope - a flexible or rigid instrument that is inserted through the urethra into the ureters and renal pelvis.

Before inserting the ureteroscope, the ureters must be dilated. Usually special tools are used for this. After dilation of the ureter, a ureteroscope is inserted through it, which allows for a detailed examination of the urinary tract.

Ureteroscopy is used to identify and remove stones in the ureters, as well as to diagnose and treat other urinary tract diseases such as infections, tumors and other pathologies.

Large stones in the ureters can be crushed with ultrasound or an electrohydraulic probe. Crushing instruments are brought to the stone through the ureteroscope and destroy it.

Thus, ureteroscopy is an important method for diagnosing and treating urinary tract diseases and allows for accurate assessment and treatment of many pathologies.

A urethroscope is a tool for diagnosing and treating various diseases of the urinary system. It consists of a flexible or rigid tube with a small chamber at the end. This device allows for visual examination of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract and kidneys, as well as various medical procedures, such as stone removal, biopsy, etc.

The urethroscope is used to examine the mouth of the urethra and the bladder, the spermatic, prostate, uterine and ovarian arteries, the testicle and its epididymis, the vaginal walls and the perineum. The urethroscopic method is especially important in gynecology for the detection of malignant neoplasms.

The first ureteroscopy was performed in 1956 by the American doctor N.G. Johnson. Using a urethroscope, the papillary processes and ureters, which looked like wriggling threads, were felt in the bladder. A special electrode was soldered to the diseased organ, which was used to break the stone.

Currently, measures such as ureteral stenting, ureteroscopy of the urinary tract are being carried out.