
Ureterotomy is a surgical dissection of the ureter. Most often, this operation is performed to remove a stone from the ureter (see Ureterolithotomy).

If there is a stone in the ureter that cannot pass on its own and causes an obstruction (blockage) of the ureter, surgery may be required. A ureterotomy involves making an incision into the ureter to remove the stone. This operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the lumbar region, through which the ureter is exposed and dissected. Then carefully remove the stone with tweezers or forceps. After removal of the stone, the ureter is sutured.

Ureterotomy is a fairly effective method for removing large stones from the ureter. However, after surgery, the ureter may need to be drained for a period of time to prevent strictures. Complete restoration of ureteral patency occurs within several weeks.

Ureterotomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting the ureter. This procedure is most often performed to remove a stone from the ureter, which is one of the most common uses of ureterotomy, in which case the procedure is called ureterolithotomy.

The ureter is the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. It is important for removing urine from the body. When a stone forms in the ureter, it can lead to serious problems such as lower back pain, painful urination and sometimes urethral obstruction. If the stone cannot be removed by conservative methods such as drug therapy or EXTRACORPORAL LITHOTRIPSY, then ureterotomy may be necessary.

The ureterotomy procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make a small incision in the side wall of the abdomen and locate the ureter, which needs to be cut. The surgeon will then make a small incision in the ureter and remove the stone. After this, the ureter will be repaired by suturing.

Following the procedure, a short period of hospitalization may be required to monitor the patient. The patient may experience some pain and discomfort in the incision area for several days after the procedure. However, most people recover fully within a few weeks.

Although ureterotomy is a safe and effective procedure, it can have some complications such as infection, bleeding and damage to the ureter. Therefore, it is important to perform this procedure only when necessary and under the supervision of an experienced surgeon.

In conclusion, ureterotomy is an important surgical procedure that can help patients get rid of ureteral stones. Although the procedure may be associated with some risks and complications, in most cases it is safe and effective. If you are experiencing problems with ureteral stones, contact your doctor to discuss the possibility of a ureterotomy.

A ureterotomy is a surgical incision of the ureter that can be performed for a variety of purposes. The most common reason for ureterotomy is to remove a stone from the ureter.

A ureterotomy is performed through an incision in the abdomen and ureter. The surgeon uses special instruments to open the ureter and remove the stone. After the stone is removed, the ureter is closed using special sutures.

The ureterotomy procedure can be performed as an open operation, where the surgeon makes an incision in the abdominal wall, or as a laparoscopic operation, where several small incisions are made. The laparoscopic method is less invasive and less painful, but requires a longer recovery period.

After surgery, the patient may experience some pain and discomfort, but this usually goes away within a few days. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations for caring for the surgical wound and taking medications.

It is important to note that ureterotomy is a serious operation and should only be recommended by a doctor. You should not try to perform this procedure yourself, as it can lead to serious complications and even death.

Ureterostomy is a surgical operation that involves cutting the ureter without removing the stone. The ureter is the part of the urinary system that carries the patient's urine to the kidneys. The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes.

Urolithiasis is most common in adulthood. Stones that are deposited in the kidneys or their ducts gradually develop and cause disease. The stone can get stuck and completely close the lumen of the urinary ducts, resulting in the development of postrenal anuria, that is, partial or complete inability to excrete urine from the body, since there is no urine, but only urine. Most cases of urgent need for surgery for this disease are associated with blockage of the urinary tract with stones that cannot be removed transurethrally - by inserting a urethral catheter through the urethra. In addition, the presence of stones increases the risk of developing a number of complications, such as the formation of strictures of the vesicoureteral duct, hydronephrosis, etc.

Ureteroscopy is one of the first and effective methods of treating urolithiasis, based on the use of fiber optic technology, which consists in the artificial introduction of an endoscopic camera through the natural cavity along the ureter, with the possibility of direct visualization in the area of ​​uric acid stone and (or) stricture of the ureter in the bladder or at its junction with the urinary sinus. This allows you to determine the location and size of the stone, the degree of difficulty in the outflow of urine or the presence of strictures.

The following types of operations are distinguished: single- and double-barreled ureter resection, anterior, posterior, lower anterolateral, posterior inferolateral; anterior, upper anterior, anterior inferior, anterior superior, lateral; lateral, lateral with ligation, lateral ureteropexy, superior superior. They are aimed at eliminating specific signs of the tumor process: stone formation, stenosis, lack of outflow, hydroureterocele.