
Urohematoma (urohaemato-) is the accumulation of blood and cellular detritus in the cavities and tissues of organs. It is formed as a result of rupture of blood vessels and the release of blood into the surrounding tissues. Swelling can occur in various areas of the body, such as the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland, ovaries and vagina in women. This condition can cause serious health problems and requires immediate medical attention. In this article we will look at the causes of urohematomas, treatment methods and preventive measures.

**Causes of urohematon**

The main reason for the formation of urohematoma is organ trauma or

Urohematomas: general provisions. Diagnosis and treatment

**Urohematoma** is a cavity in the soft tissues of the perineal area containing a blood clot and decay products. The formation of urohematomas is associated with acute or chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Sometimes they occur with fractures of the pelvic bones, rupture of muscles and fascia.

The perineum is the lower part of the front wall of the abdomen in men and women. The upper edge is located on the pubic symphysis, the lower edge of the skin has a bend along the convexity of the pubic symphysis. With the onset of puberty, men develop an interpeduncular groove and pubic hair growth. In women, this area is smoother and hairless. The head is located on the symphysis on the border with the pubic joint. The midline of the body runs under the head of the femur, running down the inner thigh to the toes. The area behind the pubic line contains anatomical formations that may be the cause of a urological problem: the spermatic cord, muscles, lymph nodes, nerve endings.