Urography Infusion

Infusion urography (UIU) is a diagnostic method that is used to study the condition of the urinary tract and kidneys. It is based on the introduction of a large amount of contrast agent into the patient’s venous bloodstream. This introduction provides long-term and intense contrasting of the urinary tract, which allows the doctor to study their structure and functioning in detail.

IUI is performed on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of a radiologist. The patient is in a supine or lateral position. A contrast dye is slowly and carefully injected into a vein in the arm or leg, which then travels through the bloodstream and reaches the kidneys.

During UIS, a radiologist observes changes in tissue color on the screen of an X-ray machine. This makes it possible to identify various pathologies of the urinary tract and kidneys, such as kidney stones, tumors, infections and other diseases.

In addition, UIS can be used to determine kidney function, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for various urinary tract diseases.

This diagnostic method is safe and painless for the patient. However, like any other diagnostic method, it has its contraindications and can be dangerous for people with allergies to contrast agents or with certain heart and vascular diseases. Therefore, before performing an IIS, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination of the patient and assess his state of health.

Infusion urography (UI) is one of the methods for studying the urinary tract and kidneys. This test uses a large amount of contrast agent to create long-lasting, intense contrast in the kidneys and urinary tract.

During infusion urography, a large amount of highly diluted contrast agent is injected into the patient. This is done slowly to ensure long lasting and effective contrast. The contrast agent is injected into a vein and slowly spreads throughout the body, reaching the kidneys and urinary tract.

When the contrast agent reaches the kidneys, it begins to contrast the tissue and allows visualization of their structure and function. A contrast agent may also be injected into the bladder, which allows visualization of its structure and function, as well as detection of possible obstructions or stones in the urinary tract.

Infusion urography can be used to diagnose various diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, such as renal failure, kidney stones, urinary tract tumors and other diseases. It can also help evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for these diseases.

In general, infusion urography is an important method for studying the urinary tract and kidneys, which allows you to obtain detailed information about the condition of these organs and identify possible diseases.